Holding on

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I woke up that morning with bags under my eyes. My mouth clung together like glue to paper, my hair was...a monster. I woke up with a good feeling despite all of that.

I brushed my teeth, brushed my hair, washed my face, and was off. Walking to school and dragging my feet with a dazed look on my face. I walked through the doors and was immediately greeted by the smile of Taehyung. I ran up to him and grabbed his arm.

We walked to the lunch room to get breakfast. Taehyung was telling me about his day after school yesterday, and how he saw a white fawn. I thought it all interesting. We laughed about stupid things. He fling his head and arms on the table and laugh as I'd fling backwards and cover my mouth as I laughed.

The bell rung for us to go to our first classes. Taehyung and I parted ways as he went to chemistry, and I went to boring calculus. I did my work waiting for the only class I get with Taehyung.

After school we went to the cafe we always go to together. I got the usual, and he got the odd. "I've been meaning to tell you something for a long time"

He said staring down into his drink. He took a nervous sip through the endless straw. "Hmm?" I looked at him confused. I watched his eyes shift to mine and lock. I was never scared of eye contact but Taehyung made me shake. I would get all nervous when he stared at me like that. I was...terrified.

"(Y/n) I like you....I like you and your contaminating smile, I like you and your beautiful flowing hair, I you and your amazingly random thoughts. I like you and your all. I love when you grab my arm first thing when you see me. My heart beats fast for you and only you. When I'm with you I feel like I'm performing a show in front of millions of people. I like you...please be mine..?"

His words made me stop feeling all over. I remembered Jimin, and Jungkook. I remembered all the fun times I'd had with them. I thought about letting go but I felt like holding on. I wasn't gonna let go. Never...

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