Chapter 23

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It had been a couple weeks since Jon was named King in the North. I tried to help him as best I could but this was something he had to do and try to figure out. I advised him on some things, mainly when he asked. But I couldn't step into that role. He was King in the North, and I was a dragon princess. I couldn't just become his Queen. He told me he always welcomed my advice and wanted to know my opinion on things. But I tried not to give it. What if my opinion wasn't the right one? Or the opinion that needed to be said? Sure I helped my sister with some matters but she was doing most of the work. I couldn't lead people, I wasn't the ruler she was and I never would be. 

I was a fighter. I was a warrior princess. Queen of Dragons. My place was in battle, not in a chair.

I was in the woods with my blade, Black Sister, practicing sparring with a tree in the snow. I didn't actually hit the tree with my blade but I needed an unmoving target and I was too embarrassed to practice in the courtyard with the dummies. My right leg was finicky and I couldn't trust it to keep me balanced anymore. So I came here whenever I could to practice with my blade. The maester looked at my leg a little while ago and said that it was likely to be this way for the rest of my life. Another parting gift from Ramsay Bolton. 

I swung my blade left, right, lunge forward left, lunge forward right. But the moment I led with my right leg, I stumbled and fell to my knees. I groaned in frustration and tried again. I stumbled. Again. I fell into the snow. Again. My right leg gave out. 

I groan even louder and tried again. This time when I fell I tossed away my blade and stayed there on my back. 

"How's the training going?" 

I sat up and saw Jon looking at me with an amused look on his face. 

"Horrible" I grumble as he walks closer to me and offers me a hand up. I take it, my right leg faltering a bit when I stood on it. Jon steadied me as I regained my footing. Once I was steady he walked over and picked up my blade and handed it back to me. He was dressed like I was, wearing pants and boots with his shirt and leathers on top. But he wore a cloak where I didn't. My hair was pulled back in a single braid that fell down the center of my back. I was wearing brown leather gloves as well while he was wearing black. 

"How's your leg?" he asks, looking down to glance at my right leg. 

"It's useless is what it is" I grumble, trying to making it stand straight instead of being just a little bit higher than my other leg. 

"You shouldn't overuse it or you're going to make it worse" 

"I have to be able to fight with it. I need to get used to this new kind of balance" I tell him. He nods and steps back and takes his blade, Longclaw out of its sheath. He holds it up and points it at me. 


"Come on, pick up your sword and let's test your leg," he says, flicking the point at me. I roll my eyes and hold Black Sister up to mirror his stance. He takes a step towards me to tap his blade against mine, to test me. I easily deflect it and take a step back as he advances. He starts slowly, testing my range of motion and my strength. Then he starts moving faster, testing my reflexes and agility and then he starts moving around me. My right leg stumbles a bit but I'm able to deflect all of his blows. We move about the field and it felt like we were kids all over again. 

My leg was skaky but I powered through it and was able to fight with him like he was a true opponent. Towards the end of our fight, I lunge towards him and he moved out of the way, but not fast enough. My right leg gave out in front of him and I ended up tackling him to the forest floor. He landed on his back with a grunt as I fell on top of his chest, both of our swords falling to the side, forgotten. 

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