Chapter 26

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I stood out on the balcony in my chambers, the sea breeze blowing through my hair as Tyrion and Varys stood behind me. They were informing me about what happened after the battle, about what Dany did to the Tarly's.

"And you counseled her against it right?" I asked, taking a deep breath and turning to go back inside. Varys stood in the doorway while Tyrion stood closer to my vanity, a cup of wine in one hand. I walked over as he poured me a glass and handed it to me. I took a long drink of the sweet dornish red.

"Of course I did. I don't condone murder unnecessarily. She wiped out an entire house, the other houses won't look kindly in her favor" Tyrion explained, taking a long drink himself.

"The army is large enough that she doesn't need their support, not yet anyway," I mumbled taking another long sip.

"Obtaining more soldiers from other houses isn't our main cause for concern" Varys quips in.

"He's right, it's about gaining acceptance when she wins the throne. She cannot rule without support" Tyrion says with a heavy sigh, taking another drink.

"It was one house. One where there are hundreds. Perhaps she has now eliminated the threat of a rebellion that that house might have started" I argue, taking another drink, trying to wash the weird taste of those words leaving my mouth.

"Surely you can't be defending her actions?" Tyrion asked.

"She is my Queen, I will always defend her" I replied.

"That's what a lot of people said about your father, and we all know how that turned out" Varys mumbled.

"She is not our father. She just has a bit of a temper, but I know that doesn't justify her actions. But she isn't our father, and she will never become our father. Not while we're here to advise her" I say in a firm voice.

"You should speak to her about what happened. Convince her of the importance of making friends" Tyrion urges, setting his glass down on the table.

"She is at least entertaining the idea of having Jon as an ally"

"With all due respect Princess, she is only entertaining the idea because of your relationship with him," Varys says a bit stiffly.

"That cannot be the only reason. The North is a strong ally"

"Yes, a strong ally who contributed to Robert's Rebellion. A strong ally that could rebel against her" Tyrion replies.

"Jon would never-"

"I'm not saying he will, but that possibility will always be there...unless he pledges himself to house Targaryen"

"Jon would never pledge the North to the South. Not after everything that's happened" I say with a heavy breath, looking down into my cup.

"He would, with the proper motivation and incentive," Tyrion says a bit slowly, eyeing me to gauge my reaction.

"What are you implying?" I ask, my gaze shifting from Tyrion to Varys and back to Tryion. They exchange a look.

"We would like to make Jon an offer. You both will be betrothed and if he proves his loyalty and brings the North to accept us, you two will be married. If not..." Varys says trailing off towards the end.

"You want to use me, to get to Jon? To get the North?" I ask. I couldn't tell if I was more shocked or angry. The cup of boiling wine in my hand said otherwise.

"We don't want the North, we need him as an ally," Tyrion says.

"Robert Baratheon made a similar deal with Ned Stark. But it was between me and Robb, and we all know how that turned out" I say sharply.

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