Chapter 14

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I am making my way towards you as we speak, I am escaping the palace and making my way as far North as I can. Don't worry about me, or the baby, we're fine and we'll be at your side soon enough, but there is something I have to do first and I think you know what that is. Thank you for everything and I promise I'll be there soon, with love~Rhaella

Robb was shocked, to say the least. He didn't think or know if she would make it out alive after what they did to his father and now? To hear of her survival, of her impending return to him after what he had agreed to. How could he face her? How could he look her in the eyes and tell her of his betrayal? But he'd be lying if he didn't say he felt betrayed in turn. Perhaps they weren't wed and he wasn't the father of her child, but he still loved her, gods know why because it was a tortuous love he felt, knowing she loved another. But he loved her all the same. 

Robb kept the news to himself and the weight it bore on him was visible. Between planning a war, having the Kingslayer in captivity, the Freys, his mother and now her inevitable return. Robb felt spent. 

Perhaps it was what caused Theon to present his plan to 'his King'. 

"Robb, are you doing alright mate?" Theon asked as he sat and dined with his friend. 

"As well as can be expected I suppose" Robb answered dryly, taking another sip of wine from his goblet. 

"It must be hard, planning a war, your sister's and child captives of the Lannisters, your mother breathing down your back, being named King in the North..."

"Your point Theon?" Robb asked, not having the patience for Theon's games. 

"I want to help, let me serve you as a friend, as a brother," Theon said soft and slow, sensing Robb's agitation. 

"How?" Robb asked, only slightly intrigued by the prospect of help. It seemed he had to do everything himself these days, and it was working. Robb didn't know if his luck would vanish if he let someone help carry his load. 

"Let me sail to Pyke, my father has dozens of warships and I can talk him into helping us. With them, we'll be able to storm King's Landing within a month" Theon explained, a hopeful look in his eyes. 

"Theon, you're like a brother to me, you know that. I need you here to help me with my armies not to go searching for empty promises in the Iron Islands" Robb sighed, feeling a need to rub his forehead from a stress headache he was getting. 

"At least think about it" Theon answered back, continuing on with his meal. 

And think he did. Robb spent the rest of the morning weighing out the pros and cons of Theon's departure. He wasn't a real Stark so he wouldn't be much value and was unlikely to get captured along the way. He was a Greyjoy and in theory heir to the Iron Islands, which might sway his father to lend Robb their fleet. The more Robb thought about it, the more reasonable it seemed to sound. Why not send Theon off on a diplomatic mission? To his blood relations no less, the worse they would do to Theon is say no, right? 

So later that day he told Theon to go and send a raven when he received an answer. 

"You will not regret this" Theon answered happily as he rode off, towards the sea. 

"Are you mad?!" 

Robb's headache only grew at the sound of his mother's scolding voice. 

"What is it now mother?" He asked, trying to be patient as she stormed into his tent, anger written all over her face. 

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