Chapter 2

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I was afraid, my heart pounding so hard I feared it would explode out of my chest. Everywhere I looked there was snow, no trees or rocks, not even a blue sky, only snow. Snow. It was falling gently but I was still uneasy. I looked down, seeing that I was standing in a small circle of burnt grass, barefoot. I was dressed in a light flowing red dress that offered no warmth or protection from the harsh winter snow. Strangely, I wasn't cold. I was hot. 

I jumped as I heard something sizzling close by. I turned around only to find nothing, it continued but I couldn't find the source. Then I froze, my gaze traveling to my left arm, slowly lifting it up to about the level of my chest. Everything seemed to slow down as I began to stare at my arm, and that's when I saw it. A single snowflake drifted down onto my arm, but the moment it touched my arm, it melted, that sizzling sound and steam coming from the place where it once was. After another moment the snowflakes couldn't even reach my skin before turning to mist. That's when I looked up. 

Surrounding me was multiple groups of people. On the right were the Starks, but they were separated into groups. Bran and Rickon in one, Robb and Catelyn in another with Arya and Sansa standing on their own. Neither Ned nor Theon was anywhere nearby. On their right was a cluster of blondes, but standing apart from them was a dwarf man with dirty blond hair. And on my left was a girl with silver hair like my own, with three small dragons behind her and a small group of people. And there standing in front of me was Jon.

Jon stood apart from the small groups of people surrounding me in the circle, but he was older and different somehow. An older Ghost was by his side as well. Jon was dressed in armor, a cape made of black feathers sheltering him from the elements. He had a sword and seemed to be leaning on it, watching me curiously. 

"Choose" they all chanted at once, making me flinch. 

"W-what?" I asked, not sure who to look at, or who to answer to. 

"Choose" they all chant once again as I frantically turn about the circle, Winter suddenly appearing at my side whimpering. 

"Choose" they chant in a louder voice. I turned towards Jon, looking for an answer. 

"Choose" they chant again, all but Jon, who only continues to stare at me with his normally grim expression. Winter continued to whimper, seeming to stare at Ghost, begging to go to him. 


"Choose, or they will," Jon says calmly, continuing to stare at me. 

"Why?" I ask as the others chant once more, still not understanding why.

"For the future" he answers simply as they chant again, this time they take a step forward, all of them but Jon.

"Fine, then I choose you" I answer, only for another chorus of Choose, everyone taking one step closer. 

"I'm not a choice" he answers with a sad smile. 

"Jon please, don't make me choose another" I beg, about to move towards him, but I couldn't. I couldn't leave my circle of dead grass. I was trapped.

"Jon, help!" I cry out, trying to will my way out of the circle and to him. 

"I'm sorry darling, but I can't," he tells me with almost a loving look as they chant again, advancing further. 

"I-I don't know who to choose" I call, fear racing through me as they obstructed Jon from view. 

"Yes, you do" I hear Jon call. 

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