Chapter 8

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Robb was at a loss for words. He was brimming with emotions, fear, hurt, worry. He, however, marveled at how resourceful she was, claiming they were already wed in secret, that they were lovers and she was carrying his child when it was all a lie. Seeing the ribbon tied around the scroll, a ribbon he had given to her when she was little, well more like he stole it from his mother to give to her. It was a warning, just as much as her scroll was. She was being watched and carefully. She must have known she couldn't hide a pregnancy for long to be telling him like this. 

He knew he had to protect her, for her sake as much as the babes. He would claim the child that wasn't his, he would pretend he was married to her until they could wed for real. As Robb continued to read the scroll over and over, his mind started to wander, thinking of everyone else that has probably read this note, this subtle plea for his help. He was acting Lord of Winterfell, ever since his mother rode off to go see his father. He was still a child, but so was she. And he had a duty to protect her as her betrothed. Robb grabbed his quill and ink, choosing his words carefully as he wrote his reply, trying to seem overly joyous and in love, even though he felt the exact opposite. 

Once he was finished with his reply, he sealed the scroll and had one of the maids deliver it to maester Luwin. A small smile crept onto his face, thinking about this web of lies they were beginning to spin. And he thought of Jon, the child's real father. Jon, out on the wall, never knowing he was to be a father, or that the girl he loved was going to be in danger. Jon, living in blissful ignorance. Something Robb wished he could do.

Jon now at least had a few companions at Castle Black. Pip, Ed, and Grenn. They were training in the courtyard, under Ser Allister Throne's scrutinizing eyes, Jon was fighting Pip, trying to prove to Throne that he was worthy, that he belonged here. Jon tried not to fight too aggressively against his friend, but he needed to prove himself, meaning Pip got a particularly hard hit to the chest with Jon's elbow. 

"Alright! I yield" Pip said as Jon helped him back to his feet. Thorne started ranting once more, calling him Lord Snow, but Jon was distracted by the incoming of a new recruit, a fat boy who looked to be about Jon's age. He was looking around frantically, fear plastered on his face as if he was about to be jumped by one of them. 

"Fresh meat, who are you, fat boy?" Thorne called down from his vantage point. 

"S-samwell T-Tarly" the boy stuttered, his hands shaking. 

"Well Tarly, gear up and show us what you can do" Thorne ordered, another one of the boys handing Samwell a bit of leather padded chest armor and a practice sword. Samwell slowly slipped on the armor and seemed to have difficulty lifting up the sword. 

"Rast! Give Ser Piggy a test run" Thorne called, a smirk on his face. Rast stepped forward into the center of the ring the boys had formed and gave Samwell and hard hit to the chest, instantly making him fall down to his back. 

"I yield!" Samwell shouted. Rast looked up at Thorne, before continuing to hit Samwell with his sword. 

"That's enough!" Jon shouted, stepping forward into the ring, shoving past Rast and helping Samwell to his feet. 

"Leave it be Lord Snow" Thorne called. 

"He yielded!" Jon shouted back. 

"Looks like Lord Snow has found himself a new lady love, well let's see how well you can defend her, boys!" Thorne shouted, calling out Rast, Pip, and Grenn. The three stepped forward as Jon got into a fighting stance. One after another they came after him and Samwell, but Jon was better than they were and everyone knew it too. The swings of their swords were reluctant, weak, making them easy for Jon to deflect. 

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