Chapter 24

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We were aboard Monell's boat, on our way to Dragonstone. It was early in the morning, right before the sunrise. Monell was helping me with sword practice while Jon and the others slept in the cabins below. Monell had given Jon and I the Captain's Quarters, he claims it was because Jon was a King and the honored guest of the Queen, but I knew better. Monell and Jon tried their best to stay away from each other, but when they did meet they would instantly start bickering and arguing with one another. I didn't try to get the two to get along. As long as they weren't constantly at each other's throats, I was content with them not being fond of one another. 

I had left Jon sleeping in the cabin a few hours ago. I was restless and couldn't stand being confined to that bed for much longer. I loved Jon, but the room was cramped and we ended up on top of each other in more ways than one. So I decided to sit on the top deck for a while, that is until Monell came over and suggested we play at swords. So here we were, a few hours later, the waves and the clashing of swords moving over the ship like a grim lullaby. 

"Do you think she'll be angry with me?" I ask as our swords continue to dance. 

"Who?" Monell asked, too focused on his blade movements. 

"My sister, the Queen" I answer as we move around the deck. 

"Oh right. Well, Princess, she was pretty angry you left" he admits with a grunt. 

"But I'm sure she'll be happy to see you," Monell says with a smile. I smile back and quickly disarm him, stumbling a bit as I regain my footing. I was getting better. 

"Nice one Princess, we'll have you back at one hundred percent in no time," he says with a chuckle as he walks over and grabs his sword. 

"Ah, good morning my Lord" Monell calls. I turn around and see Jon behind me, dressed in his leather jerkin with his hair tied up in a knot. I could tell that he was bothered by Monell's attitude and the title Lord didn't help. I asked Monell why he called Jon a Lord a few days ago and he replied with, 

"Your sister is the Queen, and until she weds I have no King but her"

A flattering answer, but I knew better. 

"Morning" Jon called back dryly, walking towards me. 

"Good morning, how did you sleep?" I ask as he stands in front of me. He glanced at Monell and then looked back at me. 

"Fine, better if you would have decided to stay in bed with me instead of play swords with him" he grumbled, gesturing towards Monell. I smiled a bit at that. His actions and attitude lately had reminded me of when we were younger and I was more of a friend to Robb than him. 

"I couldn't sleep. I might as well be productive" I answer, moving the sword in my left hand. 

"How's your leg?" he asks, looking down at my right leg that still wouldn't go completely straight. However, it was less bent than before. 

"A little sore from use but a bit more stable than it has been," I say, looking down at my leg myself. 

"You should rest for a while,"

"Alright, but only for a little" I reply. I didn't want to argue with him, especially when I knew he was only concerned about my well being. I put my sword back in my sheath I move towards the crates by the mast to sit down. 

The moment I sit I'm handed some bread and a skin of water by Monell. 

"Breakfast," he says simply. 

"Thanks" I answer, taking a long drink from the skin of water. 

"So, Lord Snow, are you any good with a blade?" Monell asks in an oddly friendly manner. This couldn't be good. 

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