Chapter 27

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Part 1

I was standing in my patchy spot of burned grass, with the hills of snow surrounding me. The snow was falling in heavy fat flakes, and for the first time in a while, I could feel them as they hit my cheeks. The wind was picking up and started to whip at my hair. I was dressed in a white fur dress with my silver white hair pulled back in a braid. 

I could see a figure in the distance wearing a brown fur cloak. I couldn't completely make out his face, but he had dark hair and was tall. 


I was confused. Why would I be here? Why would Jon be here? We were together again, and I hadn't had a dream like this since then. The figure was getting closer and as he got closer the wind became more violent and the snow became almost blinding. I held a hand up to my eyes and squinted as the man came closer. 

"No, not Jon," the man said almost teasingly. How did his voice not get drowned out by the sound of the wind?  He stood in front of me and I could feel my chest tense up at the sight. 

"Robb? What are you doing here?" I asked and the snow, and wind immediately stopped and froze in mid-air. 

"To warn you. Do not go beyond the wall" he says in what used to be his Lord's voice. 


"You will not return the same," he tells me pointedly. 

"But I will come back?" 

"Yes...but you will wish you hadn't" he warns, turning to walk away. As he walks away the winds pick back up. The snow starts to fall like sideways rain. I'm blinded and my patch of burnt grass shrinks as the snow creeps towards me. It crawls up my legs and entraps them in ice. I tried to summon my dragon fire to burn it away, but I couldn't. I couldn't move, and my breath was no longer visible. I screamed in a broken voice as the cold snow made its way up my chest. The ice was starting to burn. 


I woke up, gasping for breath. I brought my hands to my throat as I started to cough, feeling the need to pull the snow off of me, but it was gone. Everything was gone. I was sitting up in a bed, on the ship to Eastwatch. Jon was sitting up on my right, holding his right hand in his left. It was red and looked swollen. 

"D-Did I burn you?" I ask as I catch my breath. 

"Only a little. Are you alright?" he asks, looking me over. 

" was only a dream" I mumble. I pull the sheets up to cover my chest and push my hair back. 

"We should take care of that," I say taking a deep breath. I move to get out of the bed but he places a hand on my arm and stops me. 

"What was it about?" he asks. I stay silent. 

"You don't have to tell me, but if you want to talk about it I'm here," he says softly. I nod. 

"Thank you," I tell him. He smiles and gets out of the bed, exposing his bare body as he walks across the room to the wash basin. I can see his muscles tense up as he places his hand on the basin of water. I'm about to apologize to him again when I notice two small circular scars on his back. 

"What are those scars from?" I ask. He turns around and starts wrapping his hand up. 


"When did you get shot in the back with arrows?" I ask curiously. 

"When I was with the free folk. I ran away and Ygritte tracked me down. Then she shot me in the back, twice, and once in the leg" he admits as he walks back over to me. 

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