Nightmare Life

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Xu weizhou and Huang Jingyu met many summers ago, too many summers ago to be counted with just ten fingers, as they were still innocent teenagers back then. They met in a really fancy party, that hosted by parents' friend. They were just two young boys drawn together by the thought of friendship. Under the name of friendships, they have a normal life; like one very best friend they were, until when Weizhou had made one decision that changed everything. Because at the night of their first meeting, what came out of that day, however, was not one to be called just an ordinary friendship, but to Xu Weizhou, in the middle of that ordinary meeting, a spark called love was born.

After that night, the life that once he thought was useless becomes very meaningful to him. Huang Jingyu who had been living his life to the fullest, who knew how to convey his emotions to the core, have changed Weizhou's perspective about life. Since then, Weizhou have been living just for Jingyu.

But the same emotion didn't come to the other boy.

Weizhou's decision to marry him has changed his friendship into something horrible. There's no more soft spot called for Weizhou in his heart. It's all having changed into hateful, anger, distrust and disgust. Living a life with Weizhou as his husband was a nightmare to him.


"Are you okay, master?" One of the butlers asked when he saw Weizhou wobbled as he walked towards the kitchen counter to get himself something to drink.

"I'm just... fine." He answered, obviously contradicted to his current condition.

"Are you sure, sir?" The butler immediately catches him when he was about to make a head dive for the hard floor suddenly. "Sir... sir... wake up... sir..." The butler said panicky. Weizhou felt unconscious, lose in a dreamless night. "Oh god, sir... you're burning." He yelped once he accidentally touched Weizhou's skin. In an attempt to carrying Weizhou up, he then called other men in the house for some hands to help.

"Jingyu ah..." Weizhou let out a soft whispered before he fell unconscious fully.


Jingyu shoved the master bedroom's doors open hastily, angrily caused the heavy wood to slam back against the white colored wall. The crash echoed throughout the silent mansion, but none of the maids or butlers dares to utter a single word after such a blatant violence from their master. They know better not to interrupt in this master's wrath even many of them disliking their master's violence acted.

"What the fuck are you doing?" he screamed at the slender man that was lying on the bed. The earlier violence must have been waking him up from his sleep. The slender man immediately stands up off the bed at the harsh question. "Why the fuck are you trying to kill yourself?" Jingyu stalked over to him, snatching up his collar and jerking him up. "Answer me when I asked you, you fucking idiot." He bit out, shoving the man away harshly.

Weizhou flew, skidding across the hardwood floor because of his currently weak condition. Only a soft gasp burst out, trying hard to not show off his pain. He sat up slightly, holding the arm that had smashed into the hard floor even though he felt sore all over his body. "I just have a fever.... That's all." He murmured, refusing to make eye contact with his husband.

"Then what with this commotion of you getting into the hospital and all?" he spat, ranking his fingers through his hair.

"Because... I haven't seen you in... forever..."

"Is that all?! Just because you want to see me so badly, so that's why you're trying to fucking kill yourself!" Jingyu shook in anger, considering kicking the already fallen man again.

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