One summer's night

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Xu Weizhou and Huang Jingyu met many summers ago, too many summers ago to be counted with just ten fingers, when they were still innocent teenagers.

"Do you know how to dance?" Those were the first few words Jingyu said to Weizhou. Out of the hundreds peoples in the hall, Jingyu had decided to approached that one black-haired boy. Because as if he had some kind of intuition, he got the feeling that the boy somehow was feeling bored at that moment; just like himself.

"A little bit..." Weizhou, the black-haired boy answered, nodding his head; kind of unexpected that someone would approach him the moments when he was about to die because of bored-ness. Usually he would just sit at a corner, sipping his drink while watching all kind of humans that came to the party, which mostly his parents' friends.

Weizhou grinned as Jingyu complained how sucks the dancers' dancing on the stage right now, telling how they looked as stiff as a robot. Nagging on and on till the end of the songs; as if he can dance million times a lot better than them.

"If you're so great, then why don't you show the real talent to us?" Weizhou told after Jingyu finished complaining.

"And what I'll get in return?"

"Around of applause... maybe." Weizhou just shrugged while chuckled.

And since then, Weizhou finally had his night, enjoying himself mocking and laughing at the new guy who claimed to be better than the professional about his dancing skill. If the dancers were as stiff as a robot then Huang Jingyu was just like a straight pole that tried to dance.


"Thank goodness..." Jingyu uttered the moment when Weizhou finally able to stop his laugh, while hand wiped the tears of joy that almost fell down the streams of his cheeks.

"What?" Weizhou inquired when he realizes that the other boy won't elaborated his sentence any more than that, while still holding his laugh that was there in his stomach.

"Finally you got your good laugh. Since the moment I saw you, you looked so bored like you was about to die because of it." Jingyu said while sipping the sparkling beer.

"Maybe I am!" he said dumbfounded, how could there's someone notice about that in him. He thought he was already good in mastering the technique of faking. Either in expression or in emotion.

"Wanna escaped?" Jingyu asked out of the moon.

"I... don't know." Weizhou hesitantly said, looking around for his parents. Being the only child that grown up in a very strict family, Weizhou never disobeyed any of his parents' word. It's was his father command for him to join this party; 'since in a few years, you gonna be take over the company, so it's better that you starts to learn and mingle with all our friends and clients,' was what his father said and as a good son he is, he came. And tonight also won't bring any difference, he just planned to sit here and watched over the peoples till its end.

"Came on? It's boring as hell. They won't even realize about us missing. Let's go to where our kind would be and not this ancient place for sure."

"I guess...."

"Good. Now follow me... ermm"

"Weizhou.... Xu Weizhou." He said, offering one of his hands out for a handshake.

Jingyu grinned, immediately took the hand. "Huang Jingyu. Come on now." Without letting go, he pulled the hand quick and hard; before Weizhou would change his mind back and  they walk passed the crowded hall to escape from the place as soon as possible.

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