When it started

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It was late in the evening when Jingyu returned home after work one day, as he did not found Weizhou anywhere down stair and around the house at where usually Weizhou would hang out, eventually he went up without waiting any longer. In the bedroom was where he found his beloved, standing in the middle, in front of the huge wallpaper. Staring at it intently.

A picture of him and Weizhou at a beach, that he had personally embedded it on the wall long time ago. Very long time ago, when they were best friends whose life still as free as the flying birds.

In the picture, they smiled brilliantly at each other. Smiling from the happiness and completeness.

Weizhou must have many questions that he wants to inquire about it, seeing that Weizhou had lost himself in his own world. He didn't even realized when Jingyu entered the room and had been watching him for quite a while. Jingyu closed the door tight, slowly walked towards the younger man. Standing behind Weizhou, he gently embraced him caused Weizhou to startle a bit.

"Hi." Jingyu said, giving kisses to Weizhou's cheek and porcelain neck.

"Hmm." Weizhou answered, by putting his hand over Jingyu's and stroked it tenderly.

"I made it the moment after we got back home from there." Jingyu was somewhat awkward when he started to talk. To break the long silence between them. He started even before Weizhou could ask; knowing exactly what was going through in his sweetheart's mind. "It's kind of one second decision, where my instinct told me to engrave that memory here."


At that question, Jingyu just shrugged it off.

They went silent again for quite a while, before Jingyu then continued. "To tell the truth when exactly I fell in love with you, I can not! Because I don't know when. I just realized it that night when I signed those divorce papers and lose you."

Weizhou was surprised, head instantly turned to look at Jingyu in the eyes. "But you never sign..." His voice was cut by Jingyu's lips that plant on his. There's a deep affection comes with it. Jingyu smiles.

"But I just know that I really fond, adore and care of you since I meet you. Maybe I fell in love with you at this moment." Jingyu said, pointing slightly to that huge picture on the wall. "Maybe at the time when I secretly heard you sing," Weizhou again looked confusedly at him, "at the studio when you thought you were alone," Jingyu smile. "Maybe at the night when I told you about Weici, when you refused me and went along with Fangyin. I felt so hurt at that time, without knowing why." Jingyu paused a few seconds then took a deep breath. "Or maybe I already fell in love with you at that night, since we first met. That night, your presence had caught all of my attention.... So, I just don't know exactly when it started."

"But... don't you... with...." Weizhou started stammering. "You... you love... Wei...." He unconsciously tightens his grip over Jingyu's hand.

He stumbled on his heels, as it wobbled when a realization finally strikes as he remembered every detail of both Weizhou and Weici. What had made him attracted towards them?

"What if... what if, I am with Weici because of you? What if I subconsciously had accepted her because she was an exact imitation of you?" Jingyu's heart felt heavy.

Both of them are a person who is full of love. Their beautiful emotions would create harmony and balance for people surround them. Both are always graceful and charming when dealing with others. Always give joy to people around them. Even life was hard on them, but they never gave up instead would always smiling while dealing with the matter. Thing that Jingyu always envy of. Also the qualities that had attract Jingyu.

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