The best friends

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Xu Weizhou and Huang Jingyu met many summers ago, too many summers ago to be counted with just ten fingers, as they were still innocent teenagers back then. They met in a really fancy party, that hosted by parents' friend. Weizhou was eighteen at that time, just started his last year of high school while Jingyu was in his freshman year in Peking University when they met.

When he realized he liked the older guy, Weizhou changed his planned from wanting to go to Tsinghua University into entering the Peking University one year later. It doesn't matter now where he goes as long as he could see that guy. After knew that Weizhou had now settled down in the new hostel at his university, Jingyu then decided to introduce him to a friend from the same university. A senior that have helped him a lot.

FangYin – a nice friend, very talkative one and a good dancer too. Because of that, Weizhou instantly became his good friend too. Maybe FangYin was closer with Weizhou than he was with Jingyu, caused Jingyu to turn into a green monster a lot of times because Weizhou was always in the dance studio together with FangYin, accusing the older one between them for stealing his new best friend. FangYin defended himself from the accused saying that dancing was their passion. Bros that have the same passion should stick close together. Weizhou would always laugh when the three of them together, since they would banter childishly. Since then also, Jingyu would always showed up in the dance studio to watch them when he doesn't have any activities involving jiu-jitsu.

It was in the winter, just the three of them walking, on their way back from classes, talking casually, talking about something, talking about future. Weizhou was in the middle, hands in his jacket's pockets since it's so cold. Jingyu was at his right, hands behind his head, talking animatedly while Fangyin on his left, having a conversation with Jingyu, about the same topic where Weizhou would sometimes interrupted.

"Hey, there's snow!" Fangyin shouts suddenly, as they pass by the park.

And miraculously, droplets of ice slowly fall, gently placed upon Jingyu's and Fangyin's cap, Weizhou's beanie, and their clothes. Weizhou looked up and holds out his hand to let the snow gather in his palm. Then out of the nowhere, Jingyu grabs Weizhou's stretched out hand and races to the park. Before Fangyin could catch them out since he's a little shorter than the two, Jingyu gave a wink to Weizhou while his lips stretch into a smirk, he shouts. "Snowball fight! The last one would be on one-person team." And he runs faster, still holding to Weizhou's wrist, and then hide behind the already build-in snow wall. Maybe some kids were playing before.

"Cheater!" Fangyin shouts in an angry tone.

Weizhou laughed; cheeks burn at the warmth Jingyu's hand gave.

And the snowball fight commences. It last till Fangyin concede defeat after three hits, it was two against one after all.

"Hey, Jingyu." He was still laughing when suddenly Weizhou called for him. The moment he turned toward the younger, a cold thing hits right on his nose. Weizhou, the culprit who threw the snowball right on his face was now laughing hysterically. Out of the reflex, he immediately pounce towards Weizhou who's just few meters a part. Unprepared for the action, Jingyu's attack had knocked him down on the ground on his back.

Jingyu was kneeling on top of him; hands pinned both of Weizhou's wrists beside his head. Momentarily, Weizhou stunned; till he then felt so cold on both of his cheeks, where Jingyu had put some snow on it. It was Jingyu turn then to laugh out loud at him.

"Oi, why are you jiu-jitsu-ing him?" Fangyin then asked from the other side of the snow wall. "Come on, let's go get something, I'm hungry." Without waiting he walked away. Weizhou, with face was redder than before still lying on the ground, too shocked to get up.

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