Somewhere In Between

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It was the gentle sound of the waves that woke Weizhou up. The air feels warm and it smelled salty as he wrinkles his nose, his hand automatically reaching up to brush away the saltiness. His eyelids fluttered open and the shining sun greeted him with a smile. Weizhou felt someone was rocking back and forth beside him and as he tried to get up, his palms pressed against the rough sand. Wincing slightly, he pushed himself to a sitting position and turned to his right.

"Hello," someone said and Weizhou squinted a little. He then came face to face with a teenage boy who owns one lovely gaze and a very friendly smile.

"H-hi." Weizhou said back on instinct, his gaze questioning and confused. "Who... who are you?" He asked hesitantly.

"I'm Xīwàng... and sometimes peoples also called me Mènghuàn." The boy grinned widely to him.

"Where...," he inquired as eyes looked surround him uncertain of what he was looking for, only to be met with the vast, endless ocean and miles... miles of sand. The blue sky encounters the ocean in the horizon and there's sun shined down on them. Fluffy white clouds drift by as the lazy wind passes and ruffles their hair. There's no one there except for the two of them. "A beach?" Weizhou concluded himself.

"A beach." The boy beside him nodded.

"What..." He started to talk again, but after a second he rearranged back his question. "Am I dead?" Weizhou stated, surprised by his sudden conclusion himself, because the memory of a car collided on a pedestrian crossing and crashed on him was still fresh in his mind. "Is this heaven?"

The little boy chuckled faintly, amused evident in his tone. "Actually no but partially yes also." He cleared Weizhou dubious mind. "You're not dead.... And this is not yet heaven, but it's just somewhere in between."

"Somewhere in between?" Weizhou turned towards the boy instantly, wide eyes and shocked by that fact.

"A place where lost souls would be." he informed and stood up while he brushed the sands from his hands.

"What..." Weizhou immediately stood up too, imitated the boy and followed him a step behind. "...what does it mean?"

"Do you remember...?" The boy asked him back instead of answering the question as they now walked alongside the beach, their feet leaving the imprints on the sand before it got washed away by the continuous, small waves.

"What is it?"

"What happened in your life? Who you are? What do you live for?"

Weizhou takes few moments of thinking before he started to answer. "Y-yes...." He said, unsure of himself and the boy grinned as he inhaled the refreshing sea breeze.

"Did you happy with your life?" the boy asked again.

"I..." Weizhou started but caught himself to stop again.

"That's okay.... You don't have to answer if you don't want." the boy said after a moment of silent.

"Then... if I'm not dead... why am I here?" Weizhou asked dejectedly, curiously. The salty sea breeze still blew passing them while the sun started hiding into the horizon and the ocean seem to twinkle.

"Because on that night, you're supposed to be dead..." The little boy started, looking straight deep into Weizhou, so that any attempt for the doubt or distrust to rise up could be washed out right away. "But there's someone who is still hangs on you and don't want to let you go, so you're save."

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