Save me!

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The gentle sound of the waves felt so soothe to the ears that heard them. The continuous sound brought only calm and peaceful. The air feels warm under the shining sun. The day was not so hot, as the fluffy clouds somehow managed to cover up the sun. The weather was always nice here. 

"You know gege... Beside him, a second chance was given to you also, gege." The boy started their conversation again that had been halt before. "Therefore the choice is now up to you too... are you willing to go through the same path once again? Are you willing to redo it all again?" Xīwàng then questioned, looking down at Weizhou. As he's now already went back beside Weizhou again.

At that exact moment when Weizhou looked up to the sky, the sun had already rising up high, but yet too shy to show itself from behind the clouds; the wind was a little colder and the waves start to get a bit rougher. In a soft voice and a tearful set of eyes, he murmured;

"I'm willing... I'm willing to go through my life again. Even for thousand times... because he is the only one for me." Weizhou closed his eyes and inhales deeply, breathing in fresh air.

The boy just smiled warmhearted. Standing still at his point, he's now facing back to the ocean again, feeling the slightly cold breeze. "You remembered him after all!" The boy whispered with the smile that still not dead on his face. "So, you're still wiling even if it was painful. Even if he hurt you. Even if he acted like a monster." the teenage boy asked, continued to test his patience.

"I'm the one who made him like that. I'm the cruel one. So, I'm willing to go through it again... but...." Weizhou paused for a second and take a deep, deep breathe. "You know..." Weizhou then continued.

Xīwàng turned to look at the slightly older man back. He then takes a sit at where he was; always ready to hear Weizhou's part of story that he had been keeps deep within his heart.

"Every story needs an ending and I guess that was the ending for my story. Even if I'm willing to go through the same path again, but I'm already reached my limit and I can't do it anymore because my limit... isn't infinite. I don't have enough courage; I don't have the strength to look at him being hurt because of my selfishness. I am afraid and I don't want to hurt him anymore." Weizhou finally open his eyes again, but there were no emotions evident in it. The sparkles and the courage that always there in his eyes suddenly have gone... vanished completely.

"If this love will only hurt both of us, what's the meaning of keeping this love...? Better to let it go before it's getting deeper to the point where I really can't let it go anymore." He said wistful.

"So, you really want to let this love go? Want to end this relation?" Xīwàng asked in that peaceful silence.

"That moment when I let him go was the moment when I decided to let this love go. I had promised myself to not let this love to hurt him or me anymore."

"What if the decision to let this love go will only hurt you more?"

Silent, Weizhou's tongue tied for a moment.

"It's hurt..." Weizhou clenched his hand at the hem of his shirt, "but knowing that I once had owned this love was already enough for me." The answered came together with the cold breeze. And the clouds are slowly getting darker. The sun that supposed to brighten the sky suddenly disappeared. "I won't regret of letting him go."

"If that is your wish,  then gege...." Xīwàng stood up again, brushed the soft sands off him and ready to leave; knowing the time was almost over. Now he's sure that this will be the end of their time together. Weizhou have realized his most important part.

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