Preserving love

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The night that his parent had been dreading to him about for weeks had finally arrived. It was bit chiller despite being in the hot summer but still hot, and Jingyu felt a very strong urge to curse at someone as he won't ever dare to curse his father for demanding him to join this party. His father even stated "that this is not some 'ancient' party like always. There's a lot of peoples around your ages would join" when Jingyu was about to refused his invitation. "Please, for once let me showed the son that I'm very proud of to everyone." And in the end, Jingyu conceded to his mother pleading tone. Though he was a rebellious teenager; dissappointing his mother was the only thing he won't do, therefore here he was standing in front the hall's main door in the hottest month of the year in a dress code to maintain; trying to keep the promise he made with his mother.

At least the music was played by a band that he could enjoy.

The hall was fairly crowded, so he was barely able to dodge and avoided all the temptation that tried to seduce him into talking and bonding for a new friendship; to finally arrived at the bar's counter. He didn't join this party to talk to stranger. He just needs to show his face for a while, and then he would immediately escape. That was his plan for the night.

Till his eyes landed on a lonely figure four stools away from him. For few minutes, Jingyu watched as the other drink his juice listlessly through whole minutes. Jingyu snorted, they were at a bar full with all kinds of alcohol yet there he was drinking orange juice. And since he had first noticed him the moment he reached the bar, the boy had already consumed 3 glasses while Jingyu still on his first one. Even so, Jingyu still felt an inexplicable sense of affinity toward him. Something told him that they were the same, equally alone, bored and alienated in this type of party.

That was how Huang Jingyu and Xu Weizhou first met many summers ago, too many summers ago to be counted with just ten fingers.

Being friends with Weizhou was a refreshing experience for Jingyu. Weizhou was the first younger friend that he has, unlike the friends that he had always hanged out together. Where they were usually a bit older than him, but Weizhou isn't part of that dimension.

Despite his younger age, Weizhou was the first friend that he could actually share his passion with, where he can talk about everything with. Weizhou seemed like to actually understand him more than himself. Being a teenage that had full of desire, doesn't like to be control and had an ability to cause a ruckus in order to get what he want, Jingyu glad that he had Weizhou as a friend that could understand him without judging him.

And because of Weizhou being younger than him, he felt the needs to protect, care and love for him.

Because Weizhou was like a little brother that he never has.


On the night they were celebrating his friends for their upcoming graduation, Jingyu decided to tells both Weizhou and Fangyin, his other best friend before Weizhou, about the relationship with his girlfriend for two years. And they met two years ago, at one of Weizhou and Fangyin dancing competition.

Weici, who's a bit younger than Jingyu; with her shy smile, twinkling eyes, and dulcet laughter, had approached him asking about wanting to know more about him. Her selflessness, kindness and easy to read kind of moods, made Jingyu felt at ease when with her.

Before she waltzed into his life, Jingyu had never thought about wanting to be in some serious relationship. But with Weici, he began to consider all the possibility, because Weici belonged to a rare breed of girls he found himself liking. With her lovable and understanding nature, Jingyu realized that Weici was someone he could spend the rest of his life with.

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