For love

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He got in a car crashed. That was what Doctor Liu told him after he calm down from the painful headaches. And he lost lots of blood during the surgery, also due to the crack at his skull caused him to suffer from traumatic brain injury, which was why he had been unconscious for almost a year. And Weizhou diligently listened to all of his explanations, when being asked about it in details. No wonder, except for the terrible pain in his head, his body doesn't have any wound at all, just felt little bit sore. Because while he was sleeping, as the time goes by the physical injuries had been healed fully.

And his memories...?

The moment when he opened his eyes for the first time, it was a bit blurred. He almost forgot about everything. The only things that he remembered about were just simple things such as his name, parents' names, hometown and his pet's name. That's all. Therefore, most of his memories were hidden in his brain. That first person he saw, he felt that he knew him but he doesn't know him. That's how complex his memories were at that time.

And it took about two weeks later for the puzzle pieces of his memories to be totally completed and organized again. He then remembered everything.


Was the last word he remembered before he collided with a car that suddenly came out of nowhere. He was done torturing Jingyu's feeling, that's why he went to him that night without anymore hesitation. 

The decision had been made. He wants to release Jingyu from suffering more because of his own selfishness. He wants Jingyu to get his own happiness again.

But he never gets to meet him. So, the signature boxes on the papers was still empty. Jingyu was still being tied down by him. Maybe that was why his heart still cringed in pain; he's still torturing his love one. The painful look in Jingyu's eyes tells him everything.

He needs to let him go for real this time.

"Hey...." Weizhou looked up when suddenly there's a voice greeting him. And one unfamiliar face entered his sight lines instantly. A young girl in the same hospital's clothes was smiling down to him. Weizhou cracked a same radius of smiles to her also. "I have been watching you for quite a while," she continued. "And only got the courage to talk to you now." she chuckled lightly. "What are you thinking about? You look like you're in a deep thought."

"Not really." Weizhou chuckles too, never crossed in his mind that he's been watched by someone since there's no one here when he came down. The park behind the hospital was empty before. "I'm just enjoying the peacefulness." He said again, eyes already back to the empty scenery between the huge forest, down the hill and the blue sky with white, cotton clouds in front him. And sometimes, there's a group of birds flying across them. "Please have a sit." Weizhou offered and she slowly takes a sit at the vacant bench next to Weizhou.

"It's beautiful, right?" She said, referring to the scenery he had been watching.

"Yeah. So, peaceful and fresh too."

"The scene that can't be found in the city." She continued again. "So, why are you here?" She asked, eyes glancing to him.

"To find peacefulness."

She suddenly chuckled again. "In this hospital, I mean." She said reconstruct her question after the misplaced happened.

"Ah... car crashed." Weizhou said shortly. "What about you?"

"Suicide." She chuckled again when she noticed the shocked expression on Weizhou's face. "That's okay, I'm all fine now." She continued, somehow want to ease down Weizhou anxiety. "Peoples said, if you love someone, then let them free. That's what true love mean." She continues without being asked, already knows the meaning behind the look she got from him. She always get that kind of look when she said about it, but the feeling to tell everything about it to someone, she only felt that once. Just this once. "Maybe my love was not true love, that's why I can't let him free. So after he died, I tried to kill myself too." She explained cautiously.

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