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Once the door of the large metal box closed and Jingyu's figure also disappeared together, a drop of crystal clear liquid begin to slide down on Weizhou's cheek, a bright smiled still colored his face nevertheless. There was a big lump and a hard pain against his chest, but at the same time his heart felt light. As light as the feather.

He's now happy because he has made the person he loves happy. He's finally able to make Jingyu happy and free again.

Just then Weizhou felt his energy level suddenly decreased and abruptly lost all his strength to stand on his own feet. Crouching down on the floor with his back touched the metal wall; Weizhou just let the final tears to fell down and touched the cold metal floor. A soft sobs then starts echoed in that small space. For the last time he let the clear water to fall, so when the door's open his heart would be empty again and starts his next journey with a clean canvas of life. As...

Huang Jingyu would no longer belong to Xu Weizhou.

After it felt like forever, Weizhou slowly, hesitantly lifted up his head up when he felt a gently touch over his head. Instantly, his eyes met a pair of brown eyes. There's a little boy in white clothes standing in front him, the one that patting his head earlier. The little boy was smiling bright to him.

"As a nice person as gege is, gege too will found a true happiness soon." The little boy said in a soft and gently voice, while his little fingers went to wipe the warm liquid that still continued to fall.

"Thank you...." Weizhou said, his voice come out so hoarse due to his quite long cry. The same bright smile had found its way on Weizhou's face. And after a while as he calmed down a bit, Weizhou stand up on his feet again, take his turned to ruffle that little boy's hair.

"This is for you, gege." The little boy speaks again, nudging a white rose forward to Weizhou.

"Thank you... little boy ah." He whispered sincerely while wrapped his fingers around the slim; thorn-less stem. At that exact moment, no other words could convey his feeling. He just felt calm. Not sad, not angry, not hurt and not love.

He guessed that the little boy presence seemed able to calm his heart again, wiped the turmoil in his heart away. The world that's just crumbled the moment when he loses Jingyu a while ago seemed got back to normal. Not really normal, but it as if the emptiness in his heart was filled again with something... like hope and dream.

Just like that, with a ding, the elevator then came to a stop and the metal door automatically opens wide. "Bye-bye, gege." The little boy said again, waving to Weizhou before runs out.

Weizhou too, walked out of the elevator and leaving the hotel building with a light steps, literally.


As he was walking out of the bedroom to get some late night snack for himself; cocked an eyebrow when the sight of Jingyu's frozen body, which standing still in an empty doorway had caught his attention. He tried to look surround the said man, to search for something odd but found nothing. "Hey..." He called out. When there's no responded back, he slowly walked over to him only to meet with Jingyu's stony face. "Hey, didn't you hear me?" He pushed Jingyu, before forcing the letter to turn to face him. As if he was just coming out from a long dream, Jingyu snapped out. "What's going on? Did someone come by?" Jingyu looked at him, but eyes still weren't focused. As he was still trapped in some dream.

"... Weizhou..." was the only word that able to pass through between his lips.

"What's wrong with him?"

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