Deepest part in his heart

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"How have you been, my baby? Feeling better? Jingyu called me this morning, told me that you passed out? Are you okay now?" All those kind of questions instantly ambushed his ears once the door of the room was opened, startled him little bit. Immediately, he looked up from the book he currently reading, to meet with his mother's worried eyes. Weizhou chuckled seeing his mother chaos.

"I'm alright, mama. Don't worry." He then answered.

"I want to come as soon as possible after Jingyu called, but you know how your father was. He forbade me from going out before breakfast."

"Because father knew you more than everyone else. Always worry about anything. I'm just fine, so you don't need to rush toward here. You must have misheard about what Jingyu told you."

"You're my only son, how can I'm not worry about you? I don't want anything to happen to you. I just want you to be happy always."

"How come I'm not happy when I have a kind and caring mother like you? I'm really happy, mama but your health is much more important." He said worried clearly evident in it. Since he 'woke up', his mother was the second person that always be by his side. When Jingyu have something important to attend, his mother will be the one that would accompany him. And they never once left him alone by himself.

"Yes, I know." She agreed immediately, seemed proud with the compliment though he sounded sarcastic while saying it. "So, how are you and Jingyu now?" She then asked with more serious tone.

Maybe it's time...

"Huh?" Weizhou suddenly speechless, more to startled actually. "What do you mean? We're just fine like always... nothing change." he continued, slightly stammered though he able to control it for now.

"Honey... I'm sorry that I'm too ignorant before and unaware of what had happened to you in these past few years. If I know, I won't..." her voice waver caused by the emotion turmoil.

"Mother..." He called firmly, cutting her mother's words very quickly, now understood what she was talking about. "How... did you know?"

"Jingyu told us... everything."

Weizhou was slightly taken aback. Doesn't know that would come from his mother, it was the last thing he expected of. Actually, he never expects something like that. Because he never wants his parent to know everything that happened in his life, which was the choice he made. And he was willing to endure everything by himself.

"Few days after your accident, Jingyu told us everything. From the day you two meet till the night of your accident. Why you never said anything to us?" Her voice now broken because of the tears.

His lips curved a smile that's hiding thousands of secret. Secret that only he knows. "Because that was my choice of life and I'm willing to go through it again in my life because it was what I want. It's nobody fault but me."

"Why? Doesn't it only hurt you?" Without any restriction, she asked his son. That was actually one of the reasons why she came here tonight. She wants to hear the story from her only son's side now. She wants to hear some explanation too. Today was the right day, beside she can't wait anymore.

"I don't know. I don't have any reason for that."

"Then, why were you filing the divorce?"

"I thought that it was unfair for him. Jingyu never felt happy when with me. I am, at least felt happy because I got to own him. So, I guess it's time to let him to seek for his own happiness."

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