Our journey to eternity

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"I hate you, Huang Jingyu," a younger version of Weizhou declared as they sit side by side in that music studio.

Weizhou had been trying to write his own composition but  young Jingyu had stubbornly sat beside him, disturbing Weizhou incessantly by asking him to play his favorite song instead.

"I'm too handsome to be hated," Jingyu said and flashed an evil smile towards the younger man, earning a hard look from Weizhou. "You're probably the only one in this world who hates me."

"Yeah right." Weizhou faked a mocking laughter. "I saw a junior girl sitting alone in the gym yesterday; she was chanting weird phrases and cursing on something. Then I saw she's holding a voodoo doll. It looks dangerously like you. Are you sure no one else beside me that hate you?" he said and Jingyu made an ugly expression.

"Maybe you and her." Jingyu said, chuckled.

"See, you're not too good."

"But are you sure the doll was me?" He asked suspiciously.

"I would recognize almost immediately everything that looked like you, even a hideous doll. So, I am 99% confirmed it"

"And you said you hate me... when obviously the one thing that you care the most is me." Jingyu smirked. Weizhou then smiles and looked down, feeling himself unnecessarily blushing at the statement which hit the home accurately. "Who are you making this song for?" Jingyu asked, curious of why Weizhou so diligently work-hard on this song. 'Full of enthusiasm.'


Jingyu frowned. "Why that asshole?"

"It's rude to call others asshole, Jingyu. He doesn't even do anything."

"Well, he stole my best friend. That's what I remembered. I regretted introducing you to him." Jingyu claimed firmly, caused Weizhou to chuckle.

"I'm not your property. I can have as many best friends as I want . Same goes with you too." Weizhou retorted back.

"Well, I'm glad we ditched him earlier."

"For a sole reason, that he would not listen to what I'm about to write to him. I'm glad too."

"Whatever." Jingyu murmured.

"Stop disowns him, when he's your best friend too." Weizhou chided and started playing the guitar only to be disturbed by Jingyu once again. "And stop disturbing me! I must finish this as soon as possible."

Jingyu grinned before stuck his tongue out at him. "Not happening," he said and strums Weizhou's guitar strings again, making an unpleasant music. "Won't let you make the song."

"Fine! Then you play." Weizhou declared annoyingly and shoved the guitar into Jingyu's hands, fed up with this immature brat. "I'm going to sit here and just watch you," Weizhou held his hands crossed in front of his chest. "When you're done being childish, let me know," he grumbled and Jingyu laughed.

"People always get childish when they're in love." Jingyu said mysteriously. Successfully catched Weizhou's attention again.

"You're in love?" Weizhou asked, sounding a little interested now. His heart skipped a beat as he was waiting for Jingyu answer.

"Not yet." Jingyu said, and then continued "but I will tell you when I am. When I do, she's going to be the first and last one to hear me singing. To the one that I truly in love with."

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