Heart to heart

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Jingyu paused in front the room's door the moment he stepped in after came back from worked that evening. "Weizhou?" He called again in confused and walked in further when he didn't see the figure he was looking for. His legs immediately heading to the bathroom. There's no one inside too. "Weizhou?" then he went to the closet room and found no one in there also.

Jingyu then exit from his room, walking along the hallway, and opened every door that he saw and still he failed to locate Weizhou anywhere. Abruptly, he felt restless. He cannot even feel his own heartbeat already as if he doesn't have one. He dragged his heavy feets towards their room again. Thousands of questions and possibilities then arise in his mind.

And it was all negative thought.

"Uncle!" he screamed, voice full with all kind of emotions.

Sad, crushed, dejection, disheartened. But most of all, he was paranoid. Because he had once lose Weizhou.

"Yes, young master?" that man instantly appeared when his name being called.

"Where's Weizhou?" Jingyu inquired as soon as he saw his loyal butler. "Where's he? Where did he go? Uncle, where's he? Please tell me!" He said, begging as if his life depends on it. "Please tell him to come out. Please..."

"I didn't see him leaving the house, sir. I thought he's still in here."

"No, he's not. Uncle...." Jingyu's pleading, his legs suddenly wobbled, like there's no strength left in it. He can't think of anything, his mind suddenly turned blank. Does Weizhou really left him now? How could he? Why it's so hard for Weizhou to give another chance to him to love him? Does he didn't deserve to be happy? Why Weizhou leave him just like that?

Was this one chance to amend his life really exist?

"Sir, calm down. Don't worry, I will tell everyone to search him. We'll find him soon, sir."

"Why does he do this? Can't he see that I really had changed? Why can't he give me a chance to prove to him that I really love him?" Finally, he's able to derive the questions through words.

"Calm down, sir. I'm sure he realized it. Just give him some time to sort his feeling. He's just confused with his own feeling." He said, in attempt to cool down Jingyu's turmoil feeling though he knows now Jingyu wasn't listening to him anymore. He already falls deep into his own world of misery.

"How could he left me just like that, when I already falling hard for him? What should I do now, uncle? Why he always being so selfish? When I still cannot accept this love, he forced himself into my life. So why when I realized that I already falling hard for him, he left me? I realized my sins... and I changed for him... I tried. So why he's still cannot accept me? I don't know what to do now... I already love him so much.... I don't want to lose him.... What should I do so he can accept me again...?"

Jingyu was now down on his knees, his hands fell on his side, and his head hang low. Tears flowed freely down to the hard floor. Weizhou really did leave him now?

"What should I do?"

Weizhou's heart brutally crushed down as he heard every word Jingyu said. It was as if there was a sharp knife slicing through every part of his heart. The gripped over the curtain tightens as his body dropped down on his knees. His free hand instantly flew across to close the mouth to suppress the sobs from bursting out as the tears already runs freely down his cheeks.

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