Irony of life

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Jingyu sighed deeply; getting ready to leave the bar once he sipped the last drop of the alcohol. The place now was too noisy for him for his liking, making him felt more anxiety and increasing his irritability. Make him suffocated in the loud sound of music. The place that was used to be his favorite play spot, once a paradise but now feels like hell. It's all dull and lame. And he was about want to walk out when a hand caught his arm. He turned his head to see his friend looking at him straight. "Where are you going?"

"I've been out too long already, I should go." Jingyu replied immediately.

"What? You only finished one glass. Besides, the night is still young. Let's stay for a while more."

"You stay; I'll just go by myself."

"C'mon man, it's been so long since we hang out like this...." Didn't even get the chance to finish his statement, Jingyu cut his words!

"You know, I can't leave him alone for too long. I got to go now!" Jingyu sighed tiredly, rubbing his aching head. Then he began to walk back towards the main door.

"C'mon man, it's been a year; you can't let it hang you on forever. You need to move forward."

"What you mean? Hang me on?" Jingyu snapped and turned to look at his friend again, he spat angrily unable to control the anger rising in him.

"Yeah, look at you now. Living in regret and depressing. You've change a lot. You're slowly losing your own self, Jingyu."

"This is who I really am. The Huang Jingyu from before was the one that fake, the one that always living in lie. I should realize it sooner, but I'm too stupid. Only realize when it was too late." Jingyu clenched his hands before stuffed it into his jacket's pockets. That's how irony human's life was, we always takes everything for granted and would only realized how important, how valuable that things was when we already lose it. Some might get a chance to have it for a second time and some won't be lucky enough to get it back for forever. 

Jingyu takes a deep, calming breath. Doing his best in controlling his insanity, he was no longer so fragile that he would turn too emotional over what had happened because he needs to be strong so he can really defy their fate. "I'm sorry, man. I wanna go; out from here now."

That one chance he got a year ago, he will not let it go just like that without even fighting for it. Because evidently, the tiny hope that he had been held in his little heart was still there.

So, he will wait. No matter how long it takes, he'll wait for Weizhou to comeback.


And another five hours have passed before finally the operating theater's door opened once again, as this time not only one but few peoples walked out from it. Registering that, Jingyu immediately lashed out and grabbed the same surgeon from before by the shoulders. His patience was about to burst, he cannot withstand the torture anymore. For a thousand times now, he wondered if this was what Weizhou had felt over the years. Waiting; waiting for Jingyu to return to his side. And keeps waiting only  to be disappointed later on when Jingyu never came home.

And his heart cringed. Cannot believe that there's such a beast like him exist ever in this world.

"How is he?" Jingyu asked, shaking the surgeon's shoulders while pleading in silent voice. Both his and Weizhou's parents also already encircled the surgeon, waiting for the news impatiently. It was in complete silence. They're all so nervous, too anxious and too scared to listen to the news that's about to be tell.

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