First step to everything.

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"Thank you...Zhouzhou." He whispered, bowing his head closer to Weizhou's ear. One hand was holding Weizhou's hand tight, "...thank you for giving me another chance..." another hand reached out, fingertips lightly brushing the hair that fall over Weizhou's forehead, then slowly brought it down to gently stroked his cheek,  "to love you once again even you might not love me anymore." Jingyu stands up slightly, placing a kiss on Weizhou's lips. "But... please know that, I really love you," a drop of tear fall over his cheek, "and I'm really sorry too." He said, repeating it again and again, so that it would embed in Weizhou's mind and heart

After some time, the fingers in his hand twitched. Weizhou's breathing pace suddenly changed as he stirred. Eyelids' fluttering. His forehead creased, as if he was in a great pained. Jingyu looked up, immediately sitting up straight.

"Zhouzhou, are you ok? What's wrong? Open your eyes," he said softly, fingertips brush tenderly over his beloved's cheek again. "Doctor!" He shouted when there's no respond from the other; controlling his own heartbeat.

His head hurt, it felt as if it was going to explode soon.

That's the first thing he noticed when he managed to pull himself back into consciousness. There was a steady pounding in his head, and a dull pain throughout his whole body. There was a small beeping noise by his ear. What was going on?

"Zhouzhou... are you okay? What's wrong? Open your eyes," he heard a voice calling for him. That soft, deep and gentle voice was calling for him. What was going on?

Weizhou opened his eyes, blinking a bit up at the ceiling. A confused look crossed his face as his eyes darted around the room, finally coming to rest on Jingyu's face.

He couldn't be more relieved, seeing Weizhou finally opened his eyes. A relief tear fall down over his cheeks, there's no words could explained his feeling right now. "Thank goodness," He breathed, squeezing his beloved's hand gently, a kiss was placed down near Weizhou's lips for few more times.

And all his action never missed from Weizhou's observation. The finally conscious man's eyes followed his every movement. Weizhou glanced down at their joined hands, then back up to his face again. Weizhou looked at him with an emotionless eye. Panic attacked Jingyu again, knowing fully what that look could mean.

Unable to stand on not knowing what was going on, Weizhou opened his eyes. White ceiling. The entire room was white. Where am I? The place was so strange to him. "Thank goodness." That soothes voice again, saying his prayer over and over. There was a hand laid carefully against his own, squeezing it tight. Drawing his attention to the person beside him, he watched that person every movement. What is he doing? That person then kiss him for few times. Who is he?

He looked down at their join hands, then back up at that person's face again. For a while, he stares at the face. He then slowly pulled his hand out from that person's grasp.

That man blinked. "What's wrong? Did it hurt somewhere?" That man said; a faint trace of panic appearing in his eyes.

Weizhou shook his head; but then immediately winced as a stab of pain went through his head. "Ow!" he groaned. Lifting one hand to his head, he felt a tug on the back of his hand because of the sudden movement and noticed for the first time that there's a needle stuck into him.

"Weizhou... wait, I'll call the doctor." In panic, that person stood up instantly, walking out of the room. Then he could hear him talking to someone else outside the room.

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