Henry Mills\Peter Pan| Hooks Daughter Series #23

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Imagine... Pan claiming to Henry.


Your head was spinning. 

Henry disappeared and nowhere is Pan's body claiming to be Henry. 

You stood with Emma, Snow, and Charming at the edge of Storybrook. Standing beside Charming and Snow while Emma stood across from Pan's body with a gun pulled.

"I'm Henry!" 

No one knew whether or not to believe him. 

"How do we know if you're felling the truth?" 

Emma questioned, truly not knowing, also terrified that she might be holding a gun to her son.  

"I know a way." 

You speak stepping forward away from Snow and Charming. 

You approached Pan's body and before he can say to stop you smash your lips into his. 

You pulled back shocked, and at that moment Pan knew it was all over. 

"It's Henry."

You lie, as Pan raises an eyebrow at you and you shake your head.

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