Tom Hanson| Cheif's Daughter #13

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Imagine... Going undercover to prom with Tom


"Judy hurry up or you're gonna be late!" 

Jenko yelled from the main floor. You were currently upstairs with Judy getting ready for your 'prom'

Judy was already dressed and ready to go. You would be ready if it wasn't for the 30 minutes you sat refusing to put on the dress. No one at the Chapel has never seen you in a dress before, like every. You would've liked to keep it that way but sadly girls aren't allowed to wear pants to formal invents. 

"It's not my fault Jenk, Y/N was putting up one hell of a fight!" 

Judy called back as she finished zipping up the dress as I stood in front of the mirror. After she said this you could hear Harry, Doug, and Tom all laugh. 

"Y/N if you don't hurry up I'll come up there and stable that dress on!" 

"Calm yourself, I'm almost ready." 

You roll your eyes making Judy laugh as she began pinning the top layer of your hair up. 

"There. See it's not that bad." 

You look at yourself in the mirror. As said before Judy pinned up the top layer of your hair to make it look somewhat done. You got the dress from a second-hand shop that Judy also got hers from. It was gray, you had to admit you didn't think you looked that bad. You had no makeup on, that is where you draw the line for a fake prom. 

"Let's go you two, you guys still have to go and get that Kenny kid!" 

Harry was set to go with Judy, Doug was going with Margie a girl Judy describes as having a good personality, then Tom was set with to go with Jane Kinney. Tom tried to recommend that Kenny goes with Jane so that you guys could go together but if he kept pushing Jenko and everyone else would know something was up. 


Everyone seemed speechless when you and Judy both walked down the stairs, Tom couldn't keep his eyes off you. 

"You both look great." 

Jenko smiled walking to your and Judy's side. Judy smiled you just shrugged. 

"You don't look bad Y/N. Go have a good time." 

You smile at him. 

"Thanks, Jenko." 


"Remember to keep an eye out." 

Judy yelled over the music as your group of 7 stepped into prom. Margie was not there yet. 

You looked around, you only ever saw this gym once before and that was at school that Friday. You thought that Judy could use an extra pair of eyes around so being the sneaky teen you are, you went begin Jenko's back and enrolled yourself as another undercover cop. Jenko only found out when he had a meeting with Head Sister that same day. Which then caused you and him to get into a yelling match but that was normal for you guys. 

Jenko always tried to keep you out of the action. He thought you worked better behind the scenes, which to some degree was true. Sometimes though when he would put Judy on a really hard mission all alone or double her up it made you mad that he refused to let you do the job. Don't let that fool you though. Jenko believed you could do this even when no one else could. He cares for you as if you were his own daughter.

"Another slamarino!" 

After almost being burned alive at your fake prom, you, Doug, Judy, Harry, Tom, Kenny and Jane all decided to hang at the bowling ally. You and everyone else besides Tom just sat there talking about the events that happened earlier that night all while Tom got way too excited over bowling. 

"Another slamarino!" 

You laugh as you watch Tom setting strike after strike. 

"That's your date."

Judy makes the joke to Jane who just laughs. You join because he was your date to.

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