Part 12

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It's the next day and I was walking around the town with Bryan. We goofed around the town doing crazy stuff. We were in the arcade playing some games there. "Ahhhh! I hate you Karui!" Bryan said as I messed him up in his game. I laughed. That is until he messed me up on my game. I slowly glared at him and he smirked while chuckling. "That's what you get". He said. I grumbled lowly and continued to play my game. Soon we got tired and we headed back to the hotel. We found out we were roommates. Once we got back to the hotel room, we laid down on our beds. "That was fun". I said sitting up. "Yeah". He said. I went to the kitchen and grabbed water bottles. "Here". I said throwing him a water bottle. He caught it and drank some of it. I drank my water and wrapped my blanket around me. "Hey Karui?" He said. "What? Can I ask you something?" I said. "What's up?" I said. "Why do you always wear that brown belt around your waist?" He said. My eyes widen. "". I said. I ran my hand around my tail. I sighed. Maybe it's time he finds out. "Bryan, there's something I didn't tell you about me". I said. "Yeah?" He said. I stood up and unwrapped my tail. His eyes widen. "It's not a belt. It's a tail". I said. He got up and walked towards it. "You have a tail?" He said. I nodded. "What are you?" He said. "I'm a Saiyan. An alien warrior". I said. He looked at me and gave me a confused look. "You don't look like an alien". He said. "Saiyans could blend in with humans". I said. "Does your brother have a tail?" He asked. "He use to but not anymore. He got his cut off when he was younger. Before we met. At least that's what he told me". I said. "And this is why you are so strong?" He said and I nodded. "Don't get mad at me but...... I kinda of been holding back". I said. "You? Holding back?! You're much more stronger?!" He said. "Yes... if I use more of my strength, I'd probably kill someone". I said. "And you haven't told anyone this?" He said and I shook my head. "I'm sorry....". I said. He stared at me and I hugged me. I was shocked. "You're not mad..... or scared of me?" I said. "Of course not. Your still Karui. And my friend". He said. I smiled. "Thanks Bryan". I said. He hugged me. "But can you do something for me?" He said. "Yes?" I said. "Teach me". He said. "What?" I said. "Teach me how to be strong like you. Please Karui". He said. I started to think. I don't wanna put him through stuff but he is my friend and it would be fun to have another training buddy other than Kakarot and Vegeta. "Alright but you have to promise to never say anything about our training. This is top secret". I said. He smiled and nodded in agreement. Soon we just relax for the entire night.


I woke up and rubbed my eyes. I got up and went to take a shower. Once I was done, I dried myself off and changed into my gi. I ran towards Daniel's bed and started jumping up and down. "WAKE UP! WAKE UP! IT'S TIME TO TRAIN! WAKE UP!" I yelled as I jumped up and down. He groaned and I jumped off his bed. "Why would you wake me up~?" He whined. "Cause I'm gonna train you of course! Don't ya wanna be strong like me?" I said with one eye close. His eyes widen and immediately rushed into the bathroom.  I smiled and shook my head with my hand on my forehead. Soon he was done and we left the hotel room. He was about to go to the elevator but I grabbed his arms. "Where we are going, we don't need the elevator or the gym". I said. He looked confused and I dragged him to the stairs that takes us to the roof of the hotel. I pulled him and I raced all the way to the roof. "Damn your fast!" He said. "Saiyan speed". I said pointing my index finger out. "So why are we on the roof?" He said. "Cause we are gonna fly there". I said. "Fly?! You can fly?!" He said. I levitated off the ground and his eyes widened. "But since I have to teach you how to fly, you can gonna fly on this. NIMBUS!!!!" I said then yelled. Nimbus came flying over us. "Golden flying cloud?" He said. "Yes. If you have a pure heart, you'll be able to get on it". I said. He hesitantly pressed his hand on Nimbus and then started to climb on. "Looks like you have a pure heart". I said. "Y-Yeah! I do". He said and then sat down. "Well then we should get going". I said. Soon me and Nimbus started flying away. I noticed Bryan was getting a little scared. Nimbus isn't really nice flying with probably. We got to a clear area with mountains and grass lanes. I flagged Nimbus down and I landed on the ground. Bryan fell off of Nimbus eyes widened and shaking. "You're gonna have to get use to that, Bryan. I'm gonna teach you how to fly soon but until then, I'll gonna make you as strong as me. So you better be prepared". I said. He smiled and nodded with determination.

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