Part 23

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I smiled seeing my best friend. My mentor. A man that I consider as another older brother. "Geta!" I said. But I stopped smiling at Vegeta when I heard Kakarot groaning. "Kakarot you are a total fool. You knew your heart was gonna get worse and you went super saiyan anyway. But I can't risk you dying on me cause it'll be me for kills you". Vegeta said. "Agreed. You shouldn't have went super saiyan if you knew your sick". I said. I moved out of the way and Vegeta kicked Kakarot up to the air to Piccolo who was perfectly ok. "Drag Kakarot home and give him his medicine". Vegeta said. "I'll take him". Gohan said. "No I will. I'm pretty much useless here". Yamcha said. "Take care of my dad Yamcha". Gohan said. He nodded before flying away with Kakarot. "Seems like you've been good on your own". I said to Vegeta. "Hmph. Same as yourself. And it looks like you're following your brother's footsteps". He said looking down at my outfit. "Don't even talk about it! I wanted a new saiyan outfit like yours but Bulma made me this!" I said. We stopped talking when the android went and started to talk with the taller one. "Android 20, permission to destroy Karui or Vegeta". The small one said. "You're so greedy! You treat yourself as if you're king. You already gotten half more power". Android 20 said then sighed. "So be it. But in exchange I will take care of the other ones". He said. The small one nodded and got into a stance. I crinkled my nose. "You want this one?" I said. "Of course. You always know this". He said. "Alright. Show me how much you improve since the time away from each other". I said before flying towards everyone else. I look towards the fight with Vegeta and the android. Nothing really happened until I saw the most amazing thing ever.

Vegeta turned super saiyan! I smiled proudly. "He did it!" I said softly. "But I thought turning Super Saiyan means you have to have a pure of heart!" Krillin said. "My heart is pure.....". Vegeta said flying out of the crater he made. "Pure EVIL". He said smirking. I smirk evilly. But soon Geta and the android start to fight. He improved a lot. He started to fight with the small android and he was doing great.


The small android was now only a head inside a crater from his new energy blast Big Bang Attack. "Ha Ha! Good job Geta!" I said excitedly. He landed behind Android 20 getting out of his super Saiyan form. "My power is a little low thanks to that piece of scrap metal. Which makes it a good way for you to charge at me". Vegeta said patting his thigh smirking at Android 20. Android 20 only glared at him. "This wasn't suppose to happen. I have really miscalculated. It seems our database haven't gotten too much information. You are.....more powerful than I expected. However he was weaker than me". He said. "Let me ask you something, what makes you think you're going to do any better than him? You're an android too. I bet your head rolls just as well as he does". Vegeta said smirking. "Fool, I am far superior than the Android 19 model. Stamping you out of existence is a trifle for a model like me". Android 20 said. "Ah so you are bluffing. Then let's see what you got". Vegeta said. Android 20 just glared before flying into the air and flew toward the rocks. "Hey, he's running away!" Krillin shouted. "Hey baldy, hurry and give me a senzu bean!" Vegeta said. "Huh? B-But...". Krillin said. I looked at with annoyance. "Why are you so hesitant?! Give him one!" I growled at him. Krillin took out a bag and look at it. "Hurry! Do you want to the android to get away?!" Vegeta said. I glared at Krillin until Piccolo decided to speak up. "Do it Krillin". He said. "Huh? If you say so". Krillin said. Krillin then got one bean out and threw it to Geta. Vegeta caught it before eating it while mumbling angrily at him. Soon he got back into his super Saiyan form. "Karui, come here!" Geta said. I nodded before I flew and landed right beside him. "Why don't you all go back home to your milk and cookies?! And stay out of our way!" Vegeta said. Soon we both flew into the air and I went into my super Saiyan form as well. I then noticed Vegeta smirking. "What?" I said. "I see you've also mastered super Saiyan". He said. "Indeed I did and I'm loving this power". I said smirking. We were flying around the rocky mountains trying to look for Android 20. "I think we should split up. I'll look in that direction". I said pointing to another side of the area. "Do as you wish Rui. But as soon as I find that pest, I shall destroy it". He said. I nodded before flying off to the other side of the rocky climate. I started to search for the android. This is gonna be hard since I can't sense its energy. I kept searching the area until I started to sense the others around the area too. I continued my search and I started to get angry. "This is annoying. How in the hell are we suppose to find this android if we can't sense it?" I thought. I was about to fly to another part of the area until I felt a hand go over my face and legs wrapped around my waist. My eyes widen and I suddenly heard the person chuckling. It was Android 20. "Sorry M'lady but you were the closest to me so I'm gonna drain all of your power". He said. I suddenly felt myself getting weaker as I tried to  remove his hand from my mouth. "I-I can't...... I n-need help.... who close to me?" I thought trying to sense someone near. I sense it was Gohan. "G-Gohan..... the android...". I thought trying to get his attention. "Ha Ha! Your power is all mine!! Your half way drai-!" Android 20 said until he was cut off by I believe Gohan hitting him off me. I breathed heavily glaring down at the Android. "T-Thank you Gohan". I said breathing heavily. He too was glaring at the android. "How?! How did you know where we wer-". Android 20 said until he was cut off when Piccolo, Vegeta, Krillin, and Tien arrived. "Krillin! Throw my auntie a senzu bean!" Gohan shouted at Krillin. "Oh! Right! Catch Karui!" Krillin said throwing a senzu bean at me to which I caught. I ate the senzu bean soon my power came back. Then I flew down to where the android was. I growled angrily. "How dare he do that to me?! A Saiyan warrior?!" I growled mentally. I grabbed my orange over shirt and threw it to the side.

(She was basically like this but she had on black shorts, orange stockings, and blue boots like Goku's)

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(She was basically like this but she had on black shorts, orange stockings, and blue boots like Goku's)

"Geta no disrespect but back off! He's mine!" I said sternly. "I see. Now you think you can fight now after you got your power drained. Do as you want Rui but don't come crying to me if you get defeated easily". Vegeta said smirking. I gave him a small glare before glaring daggers at the android. Android 20 stared at me soon started to smirk himself. "I've had enough of this robot". I thought before I teleported and appear in front of the android and kicked him into a mountain. I smiled evilly. Now this is a real fight!

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