Part 9

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I'm at the next show and I changed into my gear. Today's when me and Daniel have a tag team match with whoever Stephanie and Hunter choses. Me and Daniel actually trained together so he could be a little more stronger too. Me and Daniel were joking around through the halls. He considers me the Alpha in our group of friends. The reason is that I'm the first strongest person in the group and that my ring name is ShadowWolf so I'm the Alpha of the group. Hell, Enzo and Big Cass call me Alpha. "Ok you wanna go first?" I said as we walk to the curtain to where the entrance to the ring is. "Yeah sure". He said. Soon he was able to go and the technician played his theme song. Soon it was my turn

Ouuuuuuuu~for you
I wish there was another way

I came out with my hands in my pocket, hood up, and a smirk on my face.

"Teaming up with Daniel Bryan, from West City, Japan, weighing at 126 lbs. ShadowWolf!"

I standing next to Daniel and we smiled at each other. We got into the ring and I stand on top of the turnbuckle and howled raising my arm up as the crowd also howled. I backflipped off the turnbuckle and me and Daniel waited for our opponents. I started to get impatient. Daniel noticed it and whispered me to calm down. I did until I heard some words.

Well~ it's a BIG SHOW

Oh great big show. Who else from the posse? The announcer said his name and then the next person music came on. It was Randy Orton. The announcer did his introduction and both Big Show and Randy Orton walked down the ramp. I looked at Daniel. He looked a little scared. "Don't let fear control you. It'll only show weakness. Remember our promise ". I whispered to him. He looked at me and nodded. You're probably wonder what promise I'm talking about. The promise is to never let your guard down and to watch each other's backs. Soon Big Show and Orton got in the ring going to their side of the ring. "You wanna start off?" I said. He nodded and got in and I got out standing outside the ring. Then Randy got in while Big Show got out. Then the bell rang and Randy and Daniel started to wrestle. Daniel was actually wiping the floor with him. That is until Randy drop kicked him. He continued to beat Daniel and I held out my hand to Daniel. Daniel was trying his best to get to me but Randy kept pulling him away. Randy tagged Big Show in and both were kicking Daniel down. If two go in and I go in too. I turned Big Show to me and I scissor kicked him. He dropped down but the ref told me and Randy to get out of the ring. And so we did. I held my hand out to Daniel and once Daniel got the chance he tagged me in and rolled out of the ring. I smirked and got in and stared at Big Show. He smirked also and went to punch me but I dodged it and elbowed him in the stomach. He coughed and growled at me. I smirked. "WEAKLING!" I yelled. That got him mad even more and he punched me in the face.

"Looks like Big Show is gonna make ShadowWolf regret calling him a weakling". JBL said.

"But look! ShadowWolf isn't effected to the punch!" Jerry said.

Jerry's right. I'm not effected to it. My mouth was bleeding but it's not that painful. Plus pain is something I enjoy. I touched the blood that was going down my chin and I smirked and licked it off my fingers right in front of him. He was surprised and a little scared. I smiled at him sadistically and lunges at him. I punched him in the stomach again and then did a stunner on him using the ropes.

I then went for the pin but before the ref could count it, Randy pulled the ref out of the ring

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I then went for the pin but before the ref could count it, Randy pulled the ref out of the ring. I got out and kicked him in the head. I got back in the ring and saw that Big Show is getting back up and Daniel is up too. I went over to Daniel. "You think you could try again?" I said. He thought about it and then said yes. I tagged him in and he kicked Big Show down by his knee. He continued to kick him until he got on top of the turnbuckle and body slammed him. He went for the pin.



Big Show kicked out and knocked out Daniel and he tagged in Randy. Randy got in and Big Show hold Daniel up and Randy RKO'ed him. I held my hand out to Daniel but Randy pulled him away and suplexed him. He went for the pin.




"Here's your winners, Randy Orton and Big Show!!" The announcer said.

Randy and Big Show laughed and got out of the ring. I went over to Daniel and helped him to sit up. "I-I'm sorry". He said. "Daniel it's ok. Don't worry about it". I said. "B-But I made us loose the match. I'm not strong like you". He said. "Daniel you have a good heart. I don't care if your not strong like me. You're still my best friend". I said. He smiled and nodded. I was about to help him up until I heard The Authority's music played. We looked at them and saw all of them on the ramp. "ShadowWolf, why do you even try helping Daniel Bryan? Like I said before, he's nothing but a weakling. You are better off leaving him alone. And to be honest, he's better with no support what's so ever". Hunter said. The crowd booed at him while him and the whole Authority smiled evilly as Daniel frowned sadly. I got mad at this. I went over and got out of the ring. "Give me a damn mic!" I shouted to the person with the mics. He yelped and quickly gave me a mic. I got back in the ring and look at the Authority. "Listen here baldy, I ain't leaving Daniel's side! He's my best friend!" I said and then smirked. "Not that you understand what a best friend is. You betrayed yours along time ago". I said and the crowd 'ooo'd. Hunter looked at me angrily. "And besides, it's not like those guys behind you are your friends. They'll probably betray you sooner or later. Hell probably Stephanie too". I said. "You better watch your mouth ShadowWolf!" Stephanie shouted. "Oh I'm doing that Stephanie. But you don't talk trash to my best friend. I'm the Alpha here! And an Alpha always has to protect their pack. So if you mess with Daniel, you mess with me. And trust me, you would want to mess with me. You know I'm stronger than you. I can always Chokeslam all of you down". I said. Daniel smiled at me and I smiled back. "So how about you weaklings leave before I make you leave?!" I said. They were all scared and they quickly leave while me and Daniel stand in front of the everyone proudly.

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