Part 21

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It's now been two months now and I've been training really hard. Daniel as well. He's very strong now. Right now is Monday Night Raw and I was with Bray, Braun, Eric, and Luke in their hide out area. "Good luck in your match guys. No remorse". I said with a smirk. "Ha Ha. Sister Abigail. You always knows what's in our minds". He said. I smiled evilly and put my hands on my hips. We finished our conversation before I went and said bye to them. I was about to go to my locker room until I notice the screen to the ring. And of course it was The Authority in the ring. They were telling the audience how they were more better than anyone back here which is totally not true. Also Daniel was in the ring telling them that he knows what best for business. I smirked until they started to make fun of him and include me. I got a little irritated so I went and ask for the technician to play my song. Once my song played, I walked down the ramp putting my hood up and fixing my hair. The crowd cheered and screamed as I jumped into the ring and then onto the turnbuckle. I howled along with the crowd then backflip off. Daniel and I smiled at each other and handed me the mic. I then stared at The Authority with a glare. "What the hell are you talking about, idiots? What makes you think you're better than anyone here? Because you're the CEO and COO? You have two have a people who you think is best for business? Or is it because you're being delusional?" I said. The crowd laughed while Stephanie and Hunter glared at me. "Actually ShadowWolf it's because we all are mentally strong. It doesn't matter whether you are physically stronger than us, you couldn't control your anger even if you want to". Hunter said. I rolled my eyes. "And then comes to my second point. Your guys' relationship. You two are too close. Way too close. Almost as if you two would be dating. Which is wrong because Daniel is married to Brie Bella". Steph said. My eyes widen and so did Daniel. "Uh..... we aren't. We're friends". I said a little bit uncomfortable. "Yeah..... we're just friends. Not dating". Daniel said. "Oh yeah? Then explain this". Randy said pointing to the titantron. We all looked and saw a mini video of me and Daniel quickly walking into the staircase from the last city hotel. The video ended and I looked at Daniel. He was pale like a ghost. I was just annoyed. "So what are you guys doing in the staircase? Perhaps secretly making out there?" Hunter said. "Ehhhh....Creep....". I said in the mic. "You're one to talk when you are doing secret stuff with Daniel, you home wrecker". Randy said. What the hell is a home wrecker? "Me and Daniel are just friends. Nothing more. He loves Brie Bella. I wouldn't take him from her. I may hate the harpy, but she makes Daniel happy. Besides, Love is stupid in my opinion. Why would I engage into stuff people do around here when you don't even know if you're significant other is loyal to you? Plus I wasn't raise to love, I was raise to fight. I don't need a mate. I don't know how to love someone like THAT. Therefore, I don't do love. It's a waste of precious time". I said bluntly. Everyone in the ring stared at me. "Wow.... what a speech. Probably that's why no one wants you. You're an emotionless freak". Randy said. I growled before grabbing him by the shirt. "Listen you pathetic swine! I don't care if I'm like this! Emotions like that only makes you soft! Being independent is my only strength. So if you don't shut those flabs on your face you call mouth, I'll personally knock out every tooth in t-". I said but was cut off when I started to sense someone power fading. From far away. I let go of Randy and took steps back. Everyone was looking at me confused but I ignored it. "Shadow?" Daniel said taking the mic. "Who's power is fading? Is that....... Yamcha?" I thought. The power was quickly faded which means..... the androids are there.

"What the hell is wrong with ShadowWolf?" Jerry said.

"I don't know. It seems like something surprised her". JBL said

I quickly jumped out of the ring and ran to the back. I ran towards my locker room and changed into my gi. I then ran to the exit of the building to the outside parking lot. "Karui!" I heard someone yell. I turned and saw Bryan running towards me. "What's wrong? What happened back there?" He said. "I can't tell you right now. I have to go". I said and pointed my fingers sensing for Kakarot's ki and instant transmitted to him. Please let me make it.

What the hell is going on? Why was Karui in a rush like that? Was she still hiding something from me? So many questions were going through my head. When we were in the ring, I sensed someone or something's ki fading. I thought it just could've been an animal or something but by the way Karui reacted, didn't seem like it was an animal. Something was wrong. I sighed and turned around only to find Brock, Miz, and Enzo completely in shock. Oh no. They probably saw her teleport. "Bryan..... What's happening?" Miz said. I stared at him. "I'm trying to figure that out myself". I said. "Did you know she could do that?" Brock said. I froze. "Oh god. I don't know what to tell them. Karui told me not to say anything to them". I thought. "I-I can't say anything. Strictly because Karui told me not to". I said. "Excuse me?! We are all confused and in shock that one of our friends just disappeared out of no where! You better tell us or else!" Enzo said. "Look just let her explain once she comes back". I begged. "Yeah and when will that be?" Brock said. "Uhh.... I don't know. Like I said, I don't why she was rushing like that". I said. I think something is wrong.

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