Part 18

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I was sparing with Bryan in the mountains. He finally got calm to fly by himself and learned how to power up his ki. "Dang Karui, don't hit me that hard!" He whined. "You need to learn that I won't be holding back on you now". I said. I went to punch him but he went to the sky. I did also and we kept sparing. "Yo! Karui!" I heard someone say. Me and Bryan stopped sparing and looked down and saw Goku, Gohan, and Piccolo. "Oh hey bro". I said and landed to the ground and so did Bryan. "Hey Auntie!" Gohan said running to me. I gave him a hug and then let go of him. "You've been teaching Bryan?" Goku said. "Yup. He actually a quick learner. He learned how to do ki blasts and to increase his ki". I said. "I can tell. You are almost as strong as Karui". Goku said with his goofy smile. I noticed Bryan wasn't paying attention and staring at Piccolo with fear in his eyes. "Bryan, you don't have to be scared of him. That's just Piccolo". I said. Piccolo looked at Bryan before Bryan flinched a little. "Yeah he's scared". Piccolo said. I giggled softly. "What is he?" Bryan whispered. "He's a Namekian. A type of alien". I whispered. "So we gonna spar?" I said. Goku nodded with determination on his face. "Watch us". I whispered to Bryan. He nodded and me, Goku, Gohan, and Piccolo flew into the sky and started to spar. I sparred with Piccolo while Goku sparred with Gohan. Piccolo punched me in the face. "Ow...". I whispered. I growled before launching at Piccolo. I started punching and kicking him then threw a ki blast at him. I knocked him out accidentally as he hit the ground. "Oh god! I'm sorry Piccolo!" I said and landed in front of him. He groaned softly before sitting up. "Are you ok?" I said worryingly. "You are a real softy". He said softly laughing. I puffed my cheeks. "S-Shut up!" I said. We continued to spar until it was time for them to go. We said goodbye and they left thanks to Goku. "You were awesome!" Bryan said. "Heh! Thanks! Let's go. I bet your "wifey's" getting worried about you". I said. He grumbled annoyedly before we took off to the sky. We got back to the hotel and we to the steps and into their halls to their rooms. "Well I'm tired. You?" I said. "Yeah Same here". He said. "Well you wanna continue tomorrow?" I said. "Yeah sure. I'm not busy". He said. "Well, see you tomorrow". I said and went into my hotel room.

What the female Saiyan warrior and the 'Yes!' man didn't know was that people caught them getting out of the stair ways door.

Me, Jon, Colby, and Randall all stared as we saw Karui and Bryan leave the stair case way and went to their hotel rooms. It seemed...... strange. "You guys don't think...?" Colby said. "No. He wouldn't do that to Brie". I said. "Yeah plus he's too soft to do that". Randall said. "But What are they gonna do?" I said. "Yeah that's kinda suspicious". Jon said. I don't think Bryan would do that but I have a feeling that those two are hiding something.

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