Part 16

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I was pacing around the room.... well more like stomping trying to calm myself down. The boys were trying as well. Brock then came in with a cup of water and handed it to me. I took it and drank it. I sighed as I started to calm down. "You ok now, Alpha?" Enzo said. "Yeah.... I'm fine". I said rubbing my head. "Who was that lady you got out of the car?" Jey said. "That, my friend, is gonna be the death of me and my sister in law, ChiChi. My brother's wife". I said. They chuckled softly before me sighing. "I better go see her then gonna have to find a way to bring her home". I said walking away. I went back to the trainers room and saw ChiChi talking with one of the medical staffs. I cleared my throat to get their attention which I did. ChiChi looked at me with guilt and frightened in her eyes. "May we talk privately?" I said. The medic nodded before leaving the room. Now it was just me and ChiChi. "Were you apart of that plan?" I said. "N-No". She said. "Don't lie to me ChiChi. This is something you would do. You and I hate each other". I said. "I know but.... I'm sorry". She said. I raised my eyebrow while crossing my arms. "I know I treated you poorly since you came here with Vegeta. It's just that I didn't seem to trust you. But I now know you just wanted to be normal". She said. "Normal isn't even close to coming to me. I'm not gonna be as normal as you earthlings". I said but then sighed. "I guess I expect your apology. I'm sorry for making fun of you those other times as well". I said. She smiled and got off the medical bed. "Friends?" She said. I nodded and we hugged. "If it makes you feel better, I beat the absolute crap out of Hunter". I said. "Hunter?" She said. "One of my bosses". I said. She quickly let go. "Are you gonna her in trouble?" She said worryingly. "Dunno. But if I do then im gonna say it's their fault". I said. "And I'm gonna make sure Goku knows". She said. "Good idea but you know how to defend yourself. Like what you do with Master Roshi. Just beat em' with a frying pan". I said. She laughed nodding too. "Come on. I gotta take you home. What did the medics say?" I said. "They said nothing is damaged but just take painkillers". She said. I nodded and we left the trainers room and was about to walk to the parking lot when Stephanie came with anger and a little bit of fright. "You hurt my husband, you monster!" She snapped. "Be lucky that it wasn't yourself as well! How dare you put my sister in law in harms way?!" I said. "Well she did deserve it! It's your own fault she was in the car!" She said smirking. ChiChi got angry and tried to launch at Steph but I held her. "Let me at her! Let me at this plastic breasted brown haired bimbo!" She said. Stephanie and Chi Chi growled at each other showing deadly glares. "ALRIGHT ENOUGH!!" I yelled. That got them quiet and ChiChi stopped struggling. "Stephanie we'll talk about this later!" I said and I dragged Chi Chi out of the building. "She lucky I didn't let you go. Ready to go home?" I said. She nodded softly and put her hand on my shoulder. I place two fingers to my head and search for Goku or Gohan's ki energy. I found Gohan's and I instant transmitted to him. Soon we were in front of Goku's house. "Thanks again Karui". She said. I nodded and knocked on the door. The door open to reveal Gohan. "Mom! Auntie!" He cheered. He hugged Chi Chi and she hugged back. "How'd did you find Mom?" Gohan said. "My bosses took her but I handled them so don't worry". I said. "So where's my brother at? He should be here to see his wife". I said. "Yeah where is he?!" ChiChi said. "Uh he's sleeping right now". Gohan said. "Well tell him I said hi. But I have to go back. Take care you two and see ya when the androids come". I said. Gohan nodded and I teleported back to the arena. Once I got there, I went inside and went to find Bryan. I notice him talking to Brie Bella so I walk towards them. "Yo!" I said. They looked at me and Bryan smiled. "Hey! You calm now?" He said. I nodded. I looked over at Brie and she was looking at me like she was annoyed. "You got something to say Brie? Cause if you do, say it now". I said coldly . Brie yelped and shook her head no. Bryan rolled his eyes with his arms crossed. "Anyways I'mma be in my locker room". I said. I walked towards my locker and soon I got there and went in. I closed and locked the door. I sat on the couch and was about to start meditating until I heard the door knock. "Who is it?" I said. "It's..... It's Roman". The person said. I groaned silently. I got up and opened the door. "What do you want?!" I said angrily. "I-I just came to say sorry. I didn't know they had your sister in law in there let alone have you run over". He said. "Pfft! You lie! You probably did know and that's why you went through with it! You're apologizing for what you did to my sister in law but not for Daniel for tying him up making him look like a weakling!" I said. "Karui please. Can we just not argue? I'm trying my best to get to know you". He said. "So you could just tell Hunter about me and take advantage of me?" I said irritated. "No! I'm not! Why do you think that I would stoop to that level?! Why do you even hate me so much?! What have I done to you?!" He said. "CAUSE I DON'T TRUST PEOPLE LIKE YOU!" I snapped and slammed the door in his face. I locked it and started pacing around the room as I heard footsteps walking away. "Stupid earthling. Thinks he could just walk to my locker room and give me attitude. I might as well wring his neck". I grumbled softly. I sat back down on the couch and started to meditate.

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