Chapter 3

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Months pass by with my dad staying away from me all day everyday. Whenever we catch sight of each other, he runs off quickly without even a hello.

I do all the chores around the house, now. I cook meals and leave a plate in the microwave for my dad whenever he decides it's safe to come out. That is, whenever I'm not around.

I visit Mom's grave all the time. I bring her orchids every time. I tell her about everything. About how Dad is super distant now. About the guys I think are cute. Everything.

I see less and less of Dad everyday. I used to see him at least three times a week. Now, I barely have a chance to see him between a two week period.

I hide in the backyard most days and watch the sun set and rise. Letting the cool air sooth me enough to sleep without crying. Usually it work. Sometimes it doesn't and I cry myself to sleep.

I watch the sunset on this warm February day from my open window. I look at the beautiful blue and purple streaks that highlight the orange and red sky. I place my head on my arms and stare at the beautiful sunset. Why can't it stay this way? Why do I have to take care of everything. I'm only 16. I think to myself as my eyebrows crinkle together.

I look up at my door when I hear it open. "Dad?" I question as I look over the mess my dad let himself get to. His hair is disheveled, a baggy hoodie sags over him. Dark bags underline his eyes. His face is paler than its ever been.

"You have to leave." He says bluntly. He meets my eyes with a cold gaze. I look at him questioningly. "Leave." He looks so mad. Like the sight of me enraged him. I only nod at him, knowing he's going through a tough time.

I get up and grab a duffle bag. I stuff clothes and necessities into it. "I'll leave. But I'm not coming back." I don't look at him as I shove more necessities into it. "Don't stay like this." I look him in the eyes. "Mom wouldn't want you to." I grab my bag and head down the stairs. I grab a water bottle and granola bars and stuff them into my bag.

I hear him come down the stairs slowly. I quickly grab my sneakers and stop briefly at the door. "I love you, Dad." I walk out of the door and head off.

"Yondu. I told you to leave the boy alone." I growl at the blue man as I stand with a fifteen year old boy behind me.

"Girl, you better not get in my way." He snarls back at me. I meet his red eyes with my blue ones.

I've been part of the Ravagers since I was sixteen. When my dad kicked me out. Yondu picked me up just outside of Texas. They trained me into the mercenary I am. None of these guys have a chance against me. Except Yondu, obviously. 

"Leave. Peter. Alone." I hold the boy tightly behind me. We picked him up not too long ago. I feel so bad for the boy. He was crying so much when he first got on the ship.

"You let him go now, Hessington." Yondu takes a threatening step closer to me. He lets out a sharp whistle and I'm met with a red arrow in my face.

"I know you wouldn't." I look back at Yondu. "Plus, I'm worth more than any of these filthy men, so I suggest you not whistle." I smirk as I hear grumbles and complaints around me.

"I s'pose you're worth somthin'." Yondu grumbles and the whistle drops to the ground. "But you ain't gettin away without a punishment. Two days without food. Now scatter!" He shouts.

"What?! Why does she get let off so easily?!" I hear shouts as I take little Peter to our quarters. Once inside the room, I push Peter ahead of me.

"You can't do that type of stuff. It's hard enough for me to take care of myself." I scold him as I crouch down to his level.

"How old are you, Robbin?" His sweet voice asks quietly. I hold his cheek in my hand as I look into his curiosity filled brown eyes.

"Nineteen, Kid." I whisper and stand up. I pull out my guns from my waist and place them on my bed. I take a seat on my bed and start to polish the dirty guns.

"Are you from a different planet?" I chuckle and continue to polish my scrappy guns. I unload and load my guns before turning to Peter.

"No, I'm from earth, Kid." I chuckle as his face lights up. I brush the hair out of my face and put it up into a ponytail. "From Nevada, actually." I look back up at the brown haired boy and smile. "Where are you from?" I ask.

"Missouri." He answers sadly. "My mom died before I was taken." I look at him with sympathy in my eyes. I understand your pain, Kid. I really do. "Never met my dad." He whispers with pain in his voice.

"I lost my mom too." His head snaps up to look at me. "Dad kicked me out after a year." I chuckle a little and see his face scrunch up in pity. "Don't feel sorry for me. I shouldn't have told you." I sand up and put my guns back in my belt while walking out of the room. "I don't need pity." I spit, my voice as cold as ice.

I open the door and step out. I walk towards the main control center where my job is done. "Where're we headed, Yondu?" I question as I step into the control room.

"Four clicks in the direction of KnowWhere." He answers. I sit at the main control seat and guide the ship towards KnowWhere. Wonder what Yondu has for the Collector this time.

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