Chapter 26

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I lift my head with a groan, my hands immediately reaching up to cradle my pounding head. My eyes clench together tightly, my face scrunching up in pain. I open my eyes to the room around me. Swinging my legs over the bed, I walk over to the fresh air that welcomes me from the balcony. I practically prance over to the balcony, even with my pounding headache. I step out into the mid-day air. My hands graze the railing. The cool metal greets my fingertips and palms happily. I sigh in content as I stare out at the city, full of life, below me. Faint voices can be heard from my place on the balcony. I can hear the chatter of the town's people. I close my eyes in contentment and let my shoulders relax. I can feel the warm breeze blow through the thin material of the black and white dress. I could stay like this forever.

My mind drifts to thinking about Peter. What is he doing right now? Is he alright? I do hope he is. I don't know what I'd do if he wasn't. My eyes snap open when I hear voices directly below me.

"Who could that young mistress be?" One says. "Thor's maiden, perhaps?" Excuse me?! I continue to act oblivious of their presence.

"Of course she is?" One says with disgust lining her high voice. My hands involuntarily grip the railing tighter as I gaze aimlessly over the town in front of me. "A woman of her beauty is sure to be for nothing but pleasuring the princes and, possibly, the king, as well." I lean down and rip my dress slightly to give my legs breathing room for what I am about to do next. I take the black heels off of my tired feet and place one bare foot on the railing. I hop over the railing and land on the ground directly in front of the two women. The dirt shallows under the impact of my feet.

"Should tell a lady if you desire to talk about her whilst she is not there." My hands land firmly on my hips. I smile sickly sweet to the two women. They both gasp and take a step back. "No, I'm am not only for the pleasure of the King and his sons. I would never give myself for that type of torture." I growl with disgust. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a town to explore." They scamper away, the dust trailing behind them. I smirk in their direction.

"Madam, would you desire your shoes?" I look up to my balcony and spot my maid holding the black heels over the railing as her head leans over to gaze at me. Her blonde hair slides slowly off her shoulders.

"Please. Just toss them down." I open my arms as she drops the heels down to me. "I think there is a black cloak in the wardrobe, could you please hand it to me along with a scissors?" She nods and disappears from my view. I place the shoes on my feet and wait for the maid. She tosses the cloak down first. It glides down to me. I swing it around my shoulders and clip it in the front. The scissors breeze past me and land in the dirt beside me. "Thank you!" I shout up to her with a wave of my hand. She scampers back into the room. I grab the scissors and cut off the dress just above the knee. I grip the scissors tightly in my right hand, the edges slightly digging into my fingertips. The cold metal barely opens the skin around it, leaving small beads of warm, red blood.

I hide my hands and the blade behind my back inside of the cloak. I look forward at the town before me and start down the gravel road into the busy streets. The cloak flows behind me, making me conscious of the scissors behind my back. My blue eyes scan over the the crowd before me. The farther in I go, the denser it becomes; the more I have to push my way through without hurting anyone with the blade in my palms.

I subconsciously grip the scissors tighter; my muscles tensing in the process. I reach up with one hand and pull the hood of my cloak over my head with a grunt as a man's back rams into my side. I don't spare him a glance, but continue on my path for the edge of the city. I keep my eyes up but head down. I glance around at the booths around me, selling fruits, jewelry, meats, etc.

When I reach the edge of the road, a breath of relief escapes my lips and I close my eyes lightly. My hands fall to my sides and my shoulders relax. A gentle breeze blows through my brown hair. Trees rustle beside me with the wind. I open my eyes at the snapping of a branch. My hands slide swiftly and undetectable behind my back, clutching the scissors even tighter.

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