Chapter 12

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We spent a few days on Earth but left quickly due to bad memoreis on both Peter's and my part. A year passed before I decided I had to save Loki. And why wouldn't I? He's my best friend after all. I visited my mom's grave back on earth. Peter did too. He didn't want to visit her at first. He was scared, I think. I was too, to be honest. I didn't want to tear at old scars. I was afraid to bleed. I knew I couldn't be, for Peter's sake. At least, that's the excuse I told myself over and over again. But, I visited her. I'm glad I did. I told her everything from when I was sixteen til now. No tears fell, however.

Yondu has aquired a new crew, Peter barely talks now- I'm pretty sure that's my fault. I fought so many battles with him as a witness. I knew he hated watching me kill. That he hated seeing me kill with no emotions, almost like I enjoyed it. I guess I did enjoy it, to a point. But he doesn't talk. I think he's a little scared of me, of Yondu, of the monster I am. I don't blame him. How could I? The poor kid's only sixteen. And I'm twenty with no remorse for killing innocent people.

I can feel it. Feel the numbness spread from my heart. I don't mind it, honestly. It keeps me from feeling. Fom having any emotions. 'Cause emotions suck. They make you weak. They make you feel shame, guilt, fear, compassion, and love. I can't have feelings! It would interfere with everything I do. Everything I've acomplished. Everything I've worked for. I can't start having feelings now. Feelings didn't get me here in the first place. I did. I got myslef to this level. To this level of strength that I could take Odin himself on. And I would win, without a doubt. And then I would kill every filthy thing in his kingdom. Starting with that cocky Prince Thor. I would burn Asgard to the ground. To whatever hell is in Norse mythology. I would, and no one can stop me. If they tried, they would die in an instant.

"Robbin?" I'm snapped back to reality and realize I am starring out of the window of the control center to the beautiful sight of the stars. My arms are crossed tightly across my chest, and my lips are pulled in a deep frown. My eyebrows are creased. I look down to my right, without turning my head in the slightest, to see Peter Quill looking up at me with crinkled eyebrows.

"Yeah?" I question; he immediately looks down at his shoes. "You can look up at me; I won't bite." I tease and look back out the window. I hear his feet shuffle next to him before I turn to face him with my whole body. "What do you need, Kid?" I ask with an eyebrow raised.

"We're at Centauri IV. Yondu's home planet." Great. I roll my eyes and turn to exit the ship. I stop, and Peter runs into my back with an "ouch" that is barely audible. I turn around, and he backs up. "What?" He mumbles as he rubs his nose. I smirk and look at him until he looks up at me. "Stop. You're making me uncomfortable." He mutters. I chuckle.

"Wanna give me a haircut?" He smiles and runs to his room. I take a seat in the control room to wait for him. He returns with scissors and a shaver and smirks at me. "Go at it." I smile and close my eyes as he comes closer to me.

I take a look in a mirror befor turning and looking at Peter with a wide smile on my lips

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I take a look in a mirror befor turning and looking at Peter with a wide smile on my lips. "It's perfect. Thanks, kid." I chuckle and turn back to the control panle. "Ready for an adventure?" I ask with a mischevious smirk on my lips as I slowly raised the ship off of the ground. Peter starts to protest. "Shh. It's an adventure. One only between us." I turn my head to him before soaring out of Centauri IV's atmosphere. I set the gear in place before we travel between multiple clicks, arriving in the solar system of which Asgard has called home.

We break through Asgard's atmosphere, landing softly on the rainbow bridge. We hop out of the ship with weapons in hand. We walk with spunk in our steps; the rainbow bridge lighting up with every step we take. I smirk and spin a daggar in my hand, tossing it up in the air once in a while. Peter loads and unloads his guns with a smile on his lips. He loves stirring up trouble, even if he won't admit it. I chuckle under my breath.

"Now this is where we need to be quiet. Otherwise, we will be killed immediately. Or, go ahead and stir up some trouble, we can handle it." I chuckle as we enter the great halls of the golden palace. We take light steps as the floors echo with the softest of sounds. We turn a corner in hopes of encountering a guard. We did. I grab the guard and push him up against a white pillar with my dagger to his pale skin.

"Where are the dungeons?" Peter asks behind me. The guard shudders at his words but shakes his head 'no' anyway. I press the dagger into his skin, drawing crimson blood from the small incision. "Where are the dungeons?" Peter says a little more demandingly. I smirk as the guard takes a gulp.

"D-down t-t-that wa-ay." He stutters. I smile at him kindly before slitting his throat and dragging him behind the pillar to conceal him from people passing by. Peter and I rush down the way the guard pointed before coming to a set of stairs. We rush down them and take out the guards guarding the door to the dungeons. We open the door and make a beeline for Loki's cell. The farthest back, by the way. I look in his cell and see.......

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