Chapter 16

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A.N.~~ I LOOOOOVVVVEEEE action packed chapters soooo here you go. HEHEH.

"Yondu!" The ship twists as it narrowly avoids rocks floating in space. It dips and jerks upwards, trying to lose the Nova Corp and Kree ships following closely behind. Missiles sent by the opposing ships just barely miss Yondu's sad excuse of a spaceship. "How close are they?!" Robbin looks over her shoulder breifly before concentrating on directing the ship. She grunts in frustraion when no one responds. With her eyebrows furrowed, she makes the risky step by spinning the ship around and looking at the pursing ships. She curses under her breath, seeing that they are only meters away- if that. She presses a few buttons and three of the opposing ships go down from the missiles Robbin fired. "Yondu!" She shouts with anger lining her voice. This time, more urgently.

Yondu comes cockily into the room. Head held high while he walks like he is a prince. A snobby one at that. Robbin groans and turns back around to guide the ship. She hits the buttons a little too harshly, but she doesn't care at the moment. She cares about getting out of the threatening situation. "What ya need, girl?" Yondu places an elbow on the back of the chair Robbin sits in.

"Set up the back turrets. We need them off of our trail for a few seconds." Robbin demands. She curses under her breath as a missile lodges itself in the autopilot, making the ship jerk side to side. Yondu stumbles to the side before composing himself and popping the collar of his overcoat. He takes his cocky strides all the way to the back of the ship where the turrets are kept.

"Kraglin Obfonteri!" Yondu shouts to his third-in-command. The thin man stands up abruptly with a 'yes, sir'. He stands at attention with his arm held in a salute. "Fire the turrets." Kraglin runs over to the turrets and immediately starts firing at the Nova Corps and Kree spacecrats. Yondu grumbles something unaudible before heading back to the control center.

Robbin curses under her breath again as one of the wings is shot at and is disconnected from the vessil. She almost falls off of her seat but regains her balance and manuvers the ship to avoid another missile. Yondu falls to the ground as Robbin jerks the controls to go straight down. She stops for a few seconds before appearing behind the other ships. She smirks and shoots at the ships.

Yondu groans and slowly brings himself into a standing position in fear of falling again. "Stupid girl!" He shouts at Robbin who only chuckles. Yondu walks shakily over to Robbin and stands stock still behind her seat. Robbin grunts in frustration as a missile is thrown at them. She turns the wheel and the ship turns on its side. She shoots at the ship while upside down. The ship explodes and Robbin soars through the flames and debris. Yondu lets out a breath he didn't know he had been holding.

"Thought I was gonna kill you?" Robbin looks up at him with her eyes for a split second before concentrating on the space in front of her. She takes a sharp turn and narrowly misses a rock. She smiles contently. Her eyes widen, and she takes a sharp intake of breath before pushing down on the wheel, making the vessil go straight down. Yonu grips the chair infront of him. A missile hits the back of the ship and it goes plummeting down toward Xandar: the home of the Nova Corps.

Robbin desperately tries to make the landing not as bad as it should. They hit the ground with a thud, and the impact makes Robbin slam into the wheel. Her head hits the controls in front of her. A large crack sounds. She lifts her head but immediately regrets the decission as black dots decorate her vision. She groans and moves her hands down to unclip the buckle holding her into the seat. When unbuckled, she falls face first into the window in front of the controls. She hits the glass with a grunt and tightly closes her eyes. She opens her eyes and sees Xandarians standing beneath her. She looks around, with much pain, and sees that the ship is barely hanging onto the ledge of a bridge. She moves her arms up and pushes her body up with much discomfort. Her lip twitches in pain, but she survives. She groans and reahces up, pulling her sore body onto the back of the chair she was just sitting in. She examines the room and sees no Yondu. Sighing in frustration, she grabs a gun from the holster hanging loosely from her hips and shoots the window currently below her. Three shots is all it takes before the glass falls down to the ground below the ship. She makes a leap and lands on the ground next to Kraglin with a thud.

Kraglin looks around and sees the Nova Corps ships coming straight at him. He hops out of his seat and jumps out of the ship, meeting the rest of the crew except Robbin. Where could Robbin be? Even Yondu's here. He looks up and sees Robbin unconscious in her chair. He watches the girl intently as she slowly moves. Ten seconds later, and she is down on the ground next to him and the rest of the crew.

Kraglin takes note that her long brown hair covers a cut above her eye that is bleeding quite heavily. She doesn't seem to notice, though. Her black tank top is ripped a tad bit more and her black pants are now shorts. Her brown freckles are hidden by the dirt covering her face. This is no job for a lady. Yondu, you're an idiot. Kraglin thinks to himself.

"We need that energy core." An officer steps out of his ship and walks toward Yondu. Robbin notices the sly smirk that creeps its way up Yondu's lips. Don't you dare, Yondu. The whole crew thinks as they see him smirk from the corner of their eyes. Everyone tenses as the officer comes closer. Each holding a breath.

"What energy core." The whole crew makes their faces show no emotion. Idiot. They all think as they inwardly groan. They watch as the officer grips his gun more tightly. He frowns and looks across the group of Ravengers. Each crew member looks directy forward; not moving a single inch.

"Give it over, Yondu." The officer states. His head snaps in the direction of another officer voice. He sees other Nova Corps officers holding a group of five. A tree, a racoon?, a Zehoberei girl, and... "Peter?!" Robbin shouts in desbelief. Her eyebrows furrow, but she takes the moment of not being watched to run toward a Nova Corps ship and hacks into the system.

She hops into the ship and races out of the planet. She laughs in delieght as she soars throughout the galaxies. She smiles widely and spins around in circles with her eyes closed in complete bliss. She opens her eyes and sees the ship heading straight towrads Sakaar. The planet where entertainment is considered as lives fight lives in hopes one dies. The home of the Grandmaster. Yeah, that guy.

She groans in frustration but decides to head in anyway. She could grab a drink or something. She lands the vessil and walks around the trash planet. Her footsteps seem quiet compared to the sound of trash falling beside her every minute. The places smells of trash. (duh!) That is the only way to describe it. The mounds of trash don't make it any less bearable.

Robbin walks around the planet, taking in everything. She stops when she hears a snicker. She spins around and looks at a gang of little minature creatures. She scans them with her eyes and slowly moves her arms to place her hands on the handles of her guns. If they come any closer, I'll shoot. One makes the stupid mistake and his head is shot off. She holds the pistol at ready. The creatures all take a step back. Her guns runs over all of them, and Robbin can hear each of their sharp intakes of breath. Her breathing is calm, unlike theirs. They scamper away and she places the gun in its holster. She turns around and is met with a pair of brown eyes and brown skin. Robbin takes a step back and looks up and down at the woman standing in front of her. Black hair is held up in a high ponytail, a bottle of alcohol sits loosely in her palm, her eyes look dull and bags underline them, her clothes are made from sheer leather, and white lines adorn her face. "Hi." The woman states before punching Robbin across the face. Robbin recovers quickly and shoots the woman in the leg. She falls to the ground with a groan and her bottle of alcohol splatters across the ground. She curses under her breath but stands back up. "Alright." The woman shook her head to the side and held her fists up in a fighting positon. "You destroyed my drink, so now I'm gonna destroy you. One way or another." The woman runs toward Robbin, avoiding the bullets aimed at her. She knocks Robbin to the ground and places a cold metalic item on Robbin's neck. The woman stands up and reaches into her pocket, grabbing a remote-like thing and pressing the single button on top. Robbin shakes uncontrolably until met with unconciousness as the electricity from the metalic item flows through her body.  

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