Chapter 23

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Clint. It is Clint. He can't believe that Robbin had come here, of all places. He thinks it's just a hallucination. His glass cup full of water shatters on the floor in front of him when he hears Robbin speaking to Thor, and Thor responding.

Robbin and Thor turn to meet the intruder. Clint?! Robbin immediately backs up; her sneakers tapping against the wood floor underneath her. She keeps walking backward until she's out and in another hall. She turns away from the kitchen and runs toward an elevator. She takes the elevator all the way down to ground level. She exits the elevator and runs into the streets of Manhatten. She runs through the empty streets of Manhatten, realizing it is the middle of the night.

Robbin can hear her shoes stomping against the concrete even though she tries so hard to make her steps light. She crosses an alley when a hand reaches out and drags her into it. She stumbles into the alley but regains her composure. She sets her fists up in a fighting position and faces her opponent. Natalie. Robbin whips her hair over her shoulder and glares at the girl in front of her.
Natalie lunges at Robbin, and Robbin pushes her to the side lightly. Robbin takes the moment to kick the woman toward the wall. Natalie stumbles and hits the wall. She stands back up and takes a gun out of her holster. She points it at Robbin. Robbin kicks it away and hits Natalie in the stomach making Natalie groan. "You don't remember me, do you?" Robbin asks with a blank face.

"And why would I remember you?" Natalie asks and comes at Robbin. Robbin blocks the attack and twists Natalie's arm so it's held behind her back in a painful position.

"I thought you would. But hey, maybe the memory disappeared just like you did when my mom died." Robbin snarls in Natalie's ear. Natalie's eyes widen as she looked at the wall across from her. "You should remember me after this incident. Except by a different persona. I'm Robbin Hessington, the mercinary that works for the Ravengers. You are Natalie Reynolds, former best friend to Robbin Hessington who just got shot in the stomach by said woman." A bullet rings through the night as Robbin shoots the woman in the stomach. Robbin lets the woman go, and Natalie falls to the ground as she clutches her stomach. "I really hoped you'd remember me." Robbin sympathically smiles down at Natalie. Natalie coughs up blood.

"How could I ever remember a monster?" She growls up at Robbin with a look of disgust in her eyes. Robbin looks down at the woman with no emotion. She turns on her heel, leaving Natalie to bleed out and die.

Robbin walks down the lonely streets of Manhatten with Natalie's jacket still on. She's tired and is in desperate need of new clothing. She breaks the window of a nearby clothing store and climbs through. She grabs black leggings, a white t-shirt, and a green jacket.

She puts the clothes on before grabbing a pair of black shoes and a black hairtie and hopping out of the clothing store

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She puts the clothes on before grabbing a pair of black shoes and a black hairtie and hopping out of the clothing store. She places the pistol in a pocket and continues walking down the sidewalk. Robbin pulls her hair up and ties it into a loose ponytail, letting it sway back and forth.


Morning approaches and Robbin continues walking through the streets that continue to get busier. She looks down at the ground and turns a corner when she spots a man with a black eyepatch looking directly at her. She takes a few shortcuts through some alleyways. She climbs a ladder on the side of one of the alleys. She sits on the platform and watches as he comes into view. She quietly takes the pistol from her pocket and takes the safety off. She points it at the man and pulls the trigger, landing a bullet in his shoulder. "Now, Agent Romanoff!" He shouts. Robbin spins around as she hears a thud behind her. She meets the blue eyes of a woman with red hair. Robbin slowly stands up. The woman nods toward the gun. Robbin slowly drops the gun but kicks the woman's legs out from under her. Robbin quickly stands up and kicks the red haired woman backwards.

Romanoff quickly gets up and swips Robbin's legs out from under her. Robbin falls to her butt, yet gets up quickly. Romanoff jumps onto Robbin's shoulders and swings her to the ground. Robbin quickly recovers and switches the postions. She pins Romanoff under her and holds her down. Romanoff smirks up at her. "Clint, it's your turn." Robbin looks down at her stomach when she spots an arrow sticking out from it.

Blood spreads from the wound, making Robbin cold. While Romanoff is still smirking underneath her, Robbin drops down and lodges the arrow sticking out of her into Romanoff's stomach. Robbin groans at the impact and so does Romanoff. Romanoff can feel the blood draining from her. "C-clint. W-we got a l-l-little situation h-here." Romanoff says through gasps of breath.

Robbin is coming in and out of consciousness. Black dots mark both of their vision. Romanoff starts losing consciousness. Robbin has already. Romanoff finally loses it. Her eyes close and darkness overtakes her.

Clint quickly rushes down from his perch. (Heh heh. That was a good one. Bird puns......) He quickly tends to Fury's wounded shoulder, calling Wanda to come and bring him back to S.H.I.E.L.D. hq. He then rushes up the ladder and lifts Robbin off of Natasha. He pulls the arrow out of Robbin's back and puts her over his shoulder before doing the same for Natasha. He takes them both to a car parked outside of the alley. He drives the two women to Avengers Tower and brings Natasha to the hospital wing before bringing Robbin to the interrogation room and leaving Bruce to tend to her.

Bruce carefully lifts the young woman's shirt, revealing the large wound that was oozing blood. He places two fingers to her neck to feel if she has a pulse. She does, to his relief. He quickly places gauze on the wound then wraps her stomach with bandage tape to keep the gauze in place. He places the unconscious body into the seat, chains her wrists to the table, and walks out.


Robbin lifts her aching head off of the metalic table when she wakes up. She blinks the drowsiness from her eyes and yawns. She looks lazily around the room and notices the two-way-mirror across from her. She smirks at it and says, "Hi. How are you doing on this fine day?" She sarcastically says.

Her head snaps in the direction of the door when she hears it open. She watches the figure enter the room. He wears a white t-shirt and blue jeans. His blonde hair is swept back perfectly and his blue eyes hold kindness. She doubts hers hold any. His arms are muscluar; the muscles more visible as he crosses his arms over his broad chest.

He stands behind the chair across from her. "Who are you?" He asks even though he already knows. Robbin just looks up at him like she can't hear a word he is saying. She cocks her head to the side innocently. "I know you're not deaf. You talked on the plane." Her eyebrow rose and a smirk crossed her lips. "Or you like the silent treatment. I can work with that." He says. He walks toward the door and opens it slightly. "We could just call your home down in Nevada for your dad to come and pick you up." He suggests about to walk out of the interrogation room.

"Robbin. Robbin Hessington." She blurts out quickly. As much as she hated to admit it, she was afraid of her father.

Why? You ask? Why don't we take yet another look into Robbin's past...............

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