Chapter 8

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"Loki, God of Mischief and Lies, at your service-er well, you should be at my service." Great. We got an arrogant god on our hands. This'll be fun.

"Robbin. I'm from the little planet earth." I say as I turn around from the barrier. He smirks at me and stands up.

To say he is tall is an understatement. He's a giant. (Get it?! Heh heh sorry I'll leave now). I take in his appearance. He is clad in black and green armor from shoulder to toe. His black hair, a disheveled mess that reaches his shoulders.

"Is that really the attire a lady should be wearing? Or are you so unattractive that you just don't care?" He smirks. I look down to fully take in my ragged appearance. My arms are covered in bloody wraps, my black tank top is ripped in multiple places, my camouflage cargo pants are bloody and torn, my boots are ripped and the paint is chipping, my gun holsters are about to break, and my face, no doubt, is a mess.

"I'm sorry I'm not a princess." I sneer. "Not all of us are cut out for the proper life." I mumble. "And aren't you a god or somethin'? Why are you stuck in this cell?" I cross my arms over my chest.

"Made some mistakes." Is all he says before sitting on the single bed in the room. No harm in sleeping on the floor, right? I look down at the floor.

"Haven't we all?" I whisper. I bring my hands down to sides and look back up at Loki. "Wishing we can take back everything, even if they aren't even our mistakes." I mumble and stare back at the ground.

I crouch down, rest my back against the barrier, and sit down. I sigh and close my eyes. Wishing we could go back to a simpler time. A time where we were ignorant but, nonetheless, free.

"Even if they aren't our mistakes." I hear him whisper before I fall asleep.

"Run, Peter, run!" I shout as I run through the woods with Yondu and his crew hot on our trail. We have been running for quite sometime now. Why? Because I offered Peter the idea of starting a new crew and he went out and actually tried!

We run and run until I hear a faint whistle. The arrow whizzes past and stops in front of Peter's small nose. Don't you dare, Yondu. "This lil' arrow will go right through his pretty lil' scull. And there ain't nothin' you can do 'bout it." Yondu's voice rings out as he comes into the clearing. His crew creates a circle around us with all their guns pointed at me.

"Don't do this, Yondu. It won't end pretty." I slowly put my hands onto my gun handles. Yondu whistled and the arrow goes through Peter's scull and back to his hand.

I grab my gun and shoot Yondu in the stomach. Then, I turn and start firing at the surrounding crew. The sound of a whistle is heard and I look down to see blood starting to seep out of my shirt. I drop to my knees and my hands rest right in front of my stomach. I look up and meet Yondu's eyes with furrowed eyebrows. His head drops to the ground and he dies right there. I fall backwards and lay on my back as black spots start to dot my vision. "I'll see you soon, Peter." I whisper as darkness engulfs me.

"What was that?!" I shout as I jump out of my position on the floor and hold my dagger at the god's neck. "What did you just put inside of my head?!" I climb on the bed and rest my knees on either side of him.

He opens his eyes and smirks at me. I press my blade into his neck and draw a small amount of blood. "An illusion, darling." He chuckles. I grip the blade tighter before putting it back in its home and getting off of Loki.

"Don't do it again, or you won't see the light of day ever again." I stare outside of the cell and rest my hands on my hips.

"I'm not going to see the 'light of day' anytime soon, anyway." He replies. I hear him sigh and wait for his breathing to slow before I turn back around.

I walk to the opposite wall and rest my back against it before sitting and watching the god sleep. "Would you kindly stop starring?" I chuckle and turn my head away.

"Then fall asleep." I mumble. I close my eyes but don't let myself get sucked into the luring idea of sleep.

"I can't." I get up and walk over to the only bed in the cell. He opens and eye and looks at me worriedly.

"Sit up." I command. He slowly sits up and rests his back against the wall. I climb on the bed and sit on the opposite side of the bed with my back resting against the wall, as well. "If you're not gonna sleep, then I'm sitting up here with you." I state and look to my side to see Loki starring at me. "Like what you see?" I tease and see a light pink hue come on his cheeks.

"Definitely not." He grumbles. He turns away and looks at the wall next to him. I chuckle and turn to look away.

"Tell me about yourself, Loki. What makes you special, besides the fact that you're a god?" I look out of the cell and see all the other criminals sound asleep.

"I destroyed New York." My head snaps in his direction. New York?! He looks completely unfazed.

"Cool? Tell me about your childhood." He looks at me and shakes his head. I nod my head in understanding and stare back at the cells across from ours. "Mine's crappy too." He looks at me confused, and I realize he doesn't understand what I said. "Sorry. It wasn't very nice to me either, is what I meant."

"What happened?" I don't answer. I stare at the wall across from me, thinking about what had happened a mere three years ago. I can feel his stare on my face as I sit there, dreading every mistake ever made in my lifetime. Even the ones that aren't mine. Wishing I could go back and have my memory erased. Even the amazing memories of my mom, because those good memories don't even come close to overpowering the bad ones.

I turn and smile at him. "Not somethin' I'm ready to share, and I'm not lettin' you in my head to see what happened." I sadly smile at him. "Goodnight, Loki." I hum before getting off of the bed and walking over to the opposite wall and sitting down with my back resting against the wall. "Try and get some sleep, will you?" I mumble. I hear him sigh before I, myself, close my eyes and try to gain some much needed rest.


"AAGGGGHHH!" I hear a scream, and my eyes immediately snap open. I look around and see Loki thrashing around on his bed. I quickly get up and run over to his bedside. I kneel down next to the bed.

"Loki, it's okay." I hum quietly, exhaustion evident in my voice. He keeps thrashing about, so I rest my hand on his arm. "Loki, calm down. Everything's okay." I start humming a soft lullaby my mother used to sing to help me fall asleep.

He stops moving and his breathing slows. Good. I look at his pale face. He looks so peaceful. I go to stand up, but Loki's hand is wrapped around my wrist. "Stay." He mumbles. I turn around and see he isn't even awake. I chuckle and take his hand off of my arm.

"You'll be fine." I whisper and head back to my spot against the wall. "Perfectly fine." I look over at him one last time before letting sleep take over me. Even though it doesn't come easily.

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