Chapter 25

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Odin agreed to letting Robbin start over in Asgard on one condition: that she would live on the outskirts of Asgard and, if there were to be a ball, Frigga, herself, would dress the young woman. Robbin gladly agreed to those terms. Thor hesitantly agreed.

The thunder god places his hand on Robbin's lower back as he leads her to her temporary room in the palace until the construction men would finish her home. They stop in front of the dark oak doors. Thor turns so he is facing Robbin. "My room is directly across from yours. If you should need anything, I am across the hall." he smiles charmingly at Robbin. Robbin slightly smiles and slips inside of the room.

She places her hands on the door, listening for the satisfying click that would signify the closing of the door. Robbin leans her forehead against the cool wood after the door closes. Finally, alone time. She sighs loudly and closes her eyes briefly before turning around and looking at the room.

Huge is an understatement. This is only a guest room but looks to be fit for a king. A large dresser is placed against a wall across from a king sized bed with tan sheets. A balcony overlooks over the city of Asgard, immediately drawing her attention. A door is placed strategically next to the dresser. Opening the door, she looks around with wide eyes at the large bathroom. She hastily closes the door and places her back against the cool surface. A vanity sits across from the balcony, reflecting the setting sun in the mirror atop it.

Robbin slowly steps toward the balcony and steps out into the warm light of the sun. She takes a deep breath and closes her eyes, relaxing for a moment. Her hands grip the railing tightly. She lets out the breath she had been holding and opens her eyes to gaze at the beautiful city below her. Lights sporadically glow here and there, making the sky look slightly brighter. She steps back into the room and sinks into the ever growing darkness.

Robbin walks toward the tan bed and runs her fingertips against the silky sheets. Her knee slowly slides across the sheets until it reaches the middle of the bed. Her entire body shifts onto the bed tiredly. The second her head hits the soft, fluffy pillow, she is out.


Robbin's POV

I groggily lift my head from the soft pillow. Darkness envelopes my surroundings. I lift my exhausted body from the fluffy mattress and silky sheets. I trudge over to the bathroom, rubbing my eyes and yawning.

The light flips on the second I enter. I groan as my eyes clamp shut tightly. I crack open my eyes and walk over to the bathtub in the middle of the room which is already filled? My bare-feet make little taps as they make contact with the marble flooring. I slip off my clothing and sink into the welcoming bath. My body immediately relaxes and I let out a sigh of relief.

I think I fell asleep because, next thing I know, a voice screeches at the top of their lungs.Water splashes outside and inside of the tub as I jolt awake. My arms flail, and I quickly grab the sides of the tub. My chest heaves up and down with quick, uneven breaths. I close my eyes and steady my breath. I open my eyes and smile halfheartedly and the maid standing in the doorway with her hands covering her mouth. "Hi." I breath. The woman relaxes slightly and picks up the items she had dropped from off the floor. She hands me a towel. I grip the towel tightly and wrap it around my body as I step out of the tub. "I'm sorry. I didn't know I fell asleep." I sheepishly say and look down at my glistening toes.

"No apologies necessary, miss." The maid's soft voice echos off of the walls of the large room. "Here." She hands me a handful of clothes. "The royals request you at breakfast in ten minutes." She says quickly. "A soldier will come by to escort you down to the dinning hall." The maid swiftly turns around and walks away. Alrighty then.

I walk out of the bathroom and lay the clothes on the bed, still gripping the towel tightly to my chest. A black and white gown lay on the silk sheets. Black lace covers the arms but not the shoulders. The black designs come down to about mid thigh, thinning out the farther down the fabric trails. White envelopes the legs in a mermaid type dress until the calves, where it grows wider to trail the ground around the feet with more black designs decorating the bottom.

I slip the gown and look at my self in the vanity mirror. A sigh escapes my lips, my shoulders rising up in the process. I pull my brown hair down to cascade down one shoulder, leaving the other exposed. The wavy curls frame my face elegantly. I apply as little make up as possible.

My head turns toward the dark oak door at the sound of a knock. I slip on the black heels next to my bed and open the door. I smile at the guard and link my arm in his when her holds his elbow out. My heels click annoyingly against the marble flooring, making ,e even more nervous. My hand grip unconsciously tighter around the guards. "Miss." I look up at the guard talking to me even though he isn't giving me a glance. "Your grip is becoming quite painful." I loosen my grip immediately a small blush creeps up my neck to my cheeks. I mumble a quiet sorrily and look down at the floor in front of me.

I only look up at the sound of grand doors being opened. My eyes widen at the size of the dining hall inside. I gulp loudly and step inside as the guard lets go of my arm. I curtsy in front of the royal family. I look up and stand stock still in front of all of them with mouth shut tightly. I look over the royal family, noticing Loki. My shoulders immediately relax at the sight of him. Thor sits opposite of him, not sparring my a glance. It looks as though he is quite red. I see Loki pat the seat beside him out of the corner of my eye. "You may sit." I look up at Odin and nod before taking my seat beside Loki not before noticing the jealous look that crosses over Thor's features. I lightly smirk but look down at the table. I look up again as a plate is set before me; stacked with breakfast foods i have never seen. I pick up my fork after seeing everyone else pick up their own.

"What am I doing?" I mumble into Loki's ear. He smirks and demonstrates without saying a word, thankfully. I follow his steps until he starts laughing, resulting in Thor laughing then Frigga. What did I just do? My eyebrows crinkly together and I look over at Loki with a suspicion filled expression. He continues to laugh, his eyes crinkling at the sides as he closes his eyes and his mouth opened so widely a piano could fit inside. His laughter fills the room, soon bringing Thor's booming laugh into the mix. "What did I do?" Odin sighs audibly. Crap. He runs a hand down his face and looks at his sons annoyed. I shrink into my seat slightly, hoping to hide from the royal family.

"You drank from the wine cup!" Loki said through his laughter. No... Thor continues to laugh with his mischievous brother.

The world starts to spin around me. I feel an uneasiness settle over me. I grip onto the table for support so I don't fall over. My head pounds and I close my eyes tightly. I can barely hear the laughter die down as my head spins even faster. A groan slips past my lips as I push my stomach into the wooden table. I can barely hear the voice of Odin shouting for Thor to escort me back to my room and the reprimands directed to Loki. I feel Thor pull my chair out slowly. I grip onto his arm and steadily pull myself up. He grips my waist tighter as I begin to sway back and forth. He guides me to the hall until I lean on him for full support. He stops us in the middle of the hall way and lifts me up bridle style. I wrap my arms around his neck and bury my face in his chest as I grimace with the uneasiness. He carries me to my room and places me down on top of my silk bed. I curl up in a ball atop the covers and rock myself to sleep the second I hear the door click shut behind Thor.   

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