Chapter 11

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Robbin's POV

It's been a few months since we escaped Asgard. We stay mainly in space, between other planets and galaxies. I taught Peter how to navigate the ship, so he does that while I look over the charts with Yondu to decide where we are headed to.

"Peter! We want to get as far as twenty clicks today!" I shout at Peter as I enter the control room. He nods quickly and sets the gear in motion. Yondu and I quickly hop into our seats and buckle up. We zoom through several clicks until we the planets Alpha Centauri, Earth, and Xandar are near. All spread out by multiple clicks, though.

"Where're we headed to, Yondu?" I question as I unbuckle and stretch. I look over to the blue man and see him tapping his chin as he looks blankly off into the distance.

"Let's go an' stir up some trouble." He smirks. I smile and instruct Peter to head to Xandar. This'll be fun. I stand next to Peter as he guides us to the alien planet. I love stirring up trouble. Peter sets the gear, and we travel from one click to another until we crash land in the planet Xandar.

We all hop out of the ship and look around with smirks and meet all the Xandarians' wide eyes and confused faces. With every step we take, the people of Xandar back away. Their faces morph into terror as they register just who stepped out of the ship. They visibly gulp as we step closer with our smirks broadening.

I take the nice little knife in my shoe and throw it directly between the eyes of a Nova Corps officer. He falls back lifelessly and hits the ground with a thud. The Xandarians gasp and run away in terror. Yondu pats my back before he whistles and an arrow lodges itself in between the shoulder blades of a grown man. He falls face first and hits the ground near his, I presume, wife. She gasps then screams, picking up a pink child and running away promptly. I chuckle and continue my walk around the planet. Both Yondu and I take out a few Nova Corps officers before quickly getting back to the ship and escaping the advancing officers.

We escape Xandar with the Nova Corps hot on our trails. I smile widely at the thrill of running away from the law. The adrenaline courses through my veins, keeping me on edge the whole time. I smile wider as the Nova Corps looses us.

Yondu and I laugh at the havoc we had just created. We clutch at our stomachs and continue gasping for breath in between laughs. Poor Peter. Peter sits quietly as he directs the ship. "I need a break." Peter abruptly stands and makes his way to the living quarters, anger evident on his face. Yondu and I settle down before I go and guide the ship.

Peter's POV

What's so amusing with killing innocent people? I think to myself as I storm off towards my room. I open the door and slam it shut behind me. What made them hate every person alive? I pace around my room and tug at the roots of my brown hair. I can't believe I'm only fifteen, and I've seen more blood than an eighty year old.

I tug at my hair tighter and sit down on my bed. My head snaps up when I hear a soft knocking on my metal door. I look expectantly at the door before Robbin slowly walks into the room. "Hey, kid." I'm not a kid. I hate when she calls me one. I'm fifteen for Pete's sake! I look up into her blue eyes, trying to hide my hatred of her. I look her up and down. Her black tank-top is hopelessly ripped, her cargo pants are bloody and ripped, her ash brown hair is a total mess, and her tank-top has a gaping hole in the side of her stomach. "Why're you so mad? I hate how she can mask her emotions so well. I can't see the hurt in her eyes after a battle. There's never fear in her eyes. Her composure is always calm. Her face is always blank. She scares me sometimes. She says she loves me- as a brother, but her face never shows it. "Peter?" Robbin brings me back to reality.

"How can you love killing innocent people?!" I shout at her and stand up; she watches me with no emotion. No Emotion! I glare at her; she looks at me with a blank face. "Why can't you have an expression!" I growl. She takes a deep breath and looks down at the floor quickly before snapping her eyes back to my brown ones.

"What kind of expression do you want me to have, Peter?" She questions. Her eyes look back at me with no emotion. I groan and turn around toward the back wall. "It shows weakness." I turn around abruptly and look at her with eyebrows furrowed. She looks at the wall to the side of her and wraps her arms around her stomach.

"How do emotions show weakness?!" She doesn't flinch. Not A Single Flinch! "Talk to me!" I snap. She looks over at me with her lips pursed.

"What do you want me to say? What do you want to hear? What will make my answer satisfactory enough for you?" In her eyes is a small fire, burning from the fuel of her anger. "What will make you happy, Peter?" She keeps her voice calm this entire time.

"I don't know!" My arms go up and smack the sides of my pants. "The truth?" I look at her expectantly. Her eyes blaze slightly brighter. I glare at her.

"You don't want me to. If I let my guard down now, who's gonna keep you safe? What's gonna keep me safe? What's gonna protect Yondu?" She sighs and pinches the bridge of her nose while closing her eyes. Her voice stays even. It stays even...

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure I do." I retort back. She looks back at the wall. "What caused you to be so cold-hearted, Robbin?" She takes a deep breath.

"We're gonna head down to earth. Are you okay with that?" She changes the subject. She changes the subject! I sigh and take a seat back on my bed.

"Yeah, sure, whatever. Do what you want. I'll probably stay on the ship anyway." I mumble and look down at the floor. I hear the distant click of the door shutting. I pull my knees up to my chest and rest my head on my knees.

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