Chapter 19

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S.H.I.E.L.D. rushes to the scene the second they see on the news and several social media sites, that a woman, strangely clothed, is falling from the stars. Fury barks commands at everyone hoping to get there before the paramedics take her away. The Avengers themselves rush to the scene.

The second they get there, they spot Captain America in a firefighter outfit, placing the leather armored woman in the back of an ambulance. Wanda carefully lifted the petite woman up wrapping Robbin in an orb of a thread looking stubstance that is stringy and red. The woman slowly comes back toward Wanda, Vision, and Sam. Captain America gets up and runs toward the group. "Let's drop her off at Agent Barton's doorstep." He says. They all nod in agreement and hop into the quinjet. Wanda places Robbin on a metallic table and straps her arms and ankles in.

Wanda looks over the woman laying lifeless on the table. Her brown hair sits disheveled on her shoulders. Her leather armor slightly torn. Her face is covered in cuts and bruises. When the ship shakes, Wanda notices a glint that appears on the side of the woman's side. Wanda reaches over and pulls out a small blade. Small engravings mark the handle. A sharp edge runs along the side of the blade.

Wanda places the blade back in its pocket and watches the woman on the table. Wanda jumps back slightly as the woman on the table's eyes snap open. Poison green eyes stare at the ceiling with confusing and fear in them. Then, her eyes soften. She smiles and closes her eyes. "I'm dead, thank God." She whispers in relief. Wanda notices a green substance dripping from her fingers.

"Oh, my goodness. You're bleeding." Wanda rushes over and grips the woman's hand in hers. She immediately recoils as the green liquid sends jolts of pain up her arms. She sits back with her eyebrows knit together. Robbin looks back down at Wanda. Robbin curses under her breath before closing her eyes again.

"The meds ran out." She mutters under her breath. Wanda looks up at her confused and stands up. Robbin looks down and sees her hands strapped down. "Can you undo these?"Robbin looks up at Wanda.Wanda hesitantly reaches over and unhooks the petite woman. "Thanks." Robbin says as she rubs her wrists.

"What was that?" Wanda asks after Robbin takes a good look around the Quinjet. Robbin turns back to Wanda and smiles slightly. Robbin looks dowan at her feet hanging off of the table and places her hands on each side of her.

"Uh. That was the sideaffect of no medications for four years." Robbin sighs quietly and closes her eyes. She can feel the newly awakened poison coursing through her veins. She takes a large breath in, and, when she lets the air out, a small puff of green emits from her lips. I'm going to kill everyone on this ship, and I'm not even going to be able to stop myself. Robbin looks up with eyes filled with sadness to meet the gray eyes of the woman across from her. "Um. I'm Robbin." robbin sticks out her hand but realization hits her like a brick as she quickly retracts her hand. "Heheh. Can't do that, can I?" robbin chuckles humorlessly.

"Wanda." Wanda replies and stands up to stretch her legs. "What exactly is your power?" Robbin looks back down to examine her shoes. How could she answer that question without Wanda freaking out? Robbin ran a hand through her dirty hair.

"Poison." Robbin quickly said and looked up at Wanda. Instead of finding Wanda looking at her in terror, she finds her looking down at her in pity. Robbin looks away and places her hands in her lap, clutching at them tightly in hopes of making the poison dripping from her fingers to stop.

The poison feels hot on the insides of her thighs, but it doesn't do any damage. Obviously because she is immune to her own power. But she can feel the poison staring to burn thorugh her leather pants. She pulls her hands away and holds them out in front of her.

Wanda watches the green substance drip from her fingertips. She doesn't know how to control it. Wanda looks down at the girl sadly. The floor is starting to steam. Wanda brings over a bucket over and places it underneath Robbin's fingers. Robbin chuckles and looks up meeting Wanda's gray eyes with her own green tinted eyes. "Kill me." It is a simple sentence, but one that holds so much pain and heartbreak.

"I can't." Wanda answers looking away from the young woman. Robbin looks back down at the floor and realizes the boots covering her feet have come off, and her toes as drippping a purple liquid. What does purple mean? Green obviously states acid. But purple? Robbin curls her toes, but the purple substance runs down the bottom of her fot and drips off of her heel.

"Please. You don't know how many people i can kill. I don't have the suppressants. I'll kill someone!" Robbin shouts desperately. Wanda looks down at Robbin. Supressants? They used supressants on her?! She is infuriated. She can tell how scared robbin is. How scared she is to kill someone. To kill someone she loves. Wanda knows how that feels.

Steve comes rushing to the scene. He takes one look at the girl sitting on the table and tenses. Her green eyes flash to his. Fear is evident in her eyes. She knows that. But determination quicklly covers it. "Kill me. It's not a question. Do it or this whole ship will go down with me, and I'm okay with that." Robbin threatens making Wanda and Steve tense up even more. Steve then notices the green water like substance dripping from her fingertips that dangle out in front of her and the sticky purple liquid falling from her heels.

"Do you know where you are?" Steve asks causiously. Wanda quickly glances at Steve out of the corner of her eye. Robbin looks away and nods slightly. She hates this planet. Obviously. "Where?" Steve demands. Robbin's green eyes meet back with Steve's blue ones.

"Earth." Robbin replies and runs a hand through her brown hair leaving trail of green poison. However, nothing is burned off. "Can we get this over with now?" Robbin pleads; desperation creeping up into her eyes. But, she blinks and it's gone. Like it was never there in the first place.

"Is that your blood?" Steve asks warrily. Robbin chuckles humorlessly. She shakes her head and looks down at the hole starting to form in the floor of the Quinjet. Wanda looks at the woman sitting on the table and walks closer to her. Robbin tenses but doesn't flinch. Her eyes dart up to the brown haired woman approaching her.

"I'll just do it myself." Robbin states. Wanda and Steve look at each other with eyebrows furrowed. "THen you won't ave a problem, will you?" Robbin turns away from the two and retrives a dagger from her pocket. She eyes the blade before placing her own poison on the blade, hoping it will speed up the process. She holds the dagger in front of her with two hands and pulls it toward her in a fast movement, impailing her stomach. She grunts in pain as she pulls it out quickly. Through the whole process, she bites her lip. She watches the blood seep through the leather. She thinks it is quite satisfying; watching the blood blood spread from the entry point of the blade.

Cold. That's what she feels. It starts at her stomach before spreading through her whole body, making goosebumps appear everywhere. The hairs on the back of the neck stand on edge. Robbin doesn't move to make herself any warmer.

Without even realizing it, the blade drops from her fingertips and falls to the floor in a puddle of poison. Steve and Wanda frantically try talking to her, but Robbin can only hear the soft hum of voices that wound so far away. A grateful smile makes its way onto her face. Wanda came in front of the woman and shook her shoulders. Robbin looked up but doesn't register that someone is in front of her.

Black dots start doting her vision. She waits for the darkness to cover her. Then it comes and she falls limp in the witch's arms. Her head falls back and rests on her shoulders. Eyes are closed.

Steve rushes over and wraps the small woman's stomach, hoping to stop the bleeding. Wanda places Robbin horizontally on the metal table. They step away and watch the girl. No poison is dripping from her hands or feet, only crimson blood. Probably from the blade she was holding.

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