Chapter 18

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Robbin takes cautious steps into the ring as the Grandmaster announces her. She scans the room briefly before looking forward at the door opening in front of her. The ground shakes underneath her and the crowd goes crazy. Robbin slowly pulls out her sword as a bear like creature steps out from behind the door. Or at least she thinks it's a bear before it turns around. She realizes it's a man as it turns around with its arms up trying to pump up the crowd. The crowd cheers for the contestant. He smiles cheekily as he turns to face her.

He has tousled black hair and dark skin. A bear coat hangs from his shoulders. Gray leather covers him from head to toe. His pink tongue runs over his thick lips as he checks Robbin out. He, personally, doesn't think she looks that bad. He nods in approval as Robbin glares at him. She snarls and sprints at him with her sword drawn.

He easily blocks the attack, but Robbin quickly recovers and skims his side with her blade. I have to make this as painful as possible. She grunts and spins, slicing him across the stomach. He groans in pain as the blood seeps out onto his gray armor. His hand reaches down to touch the wound. She takes the moment to skim his cheek enough to make him be in agonizing pain. He screams out. His fingers latch around her wrist and bring her down to the ground so she is eye level with the burly man. He snarls at her and embeds a knife wound into her stomach. She grunts in pain and rips her arm from his grasp, kicking him backwards in the process. She loses her footing momentarily and staggers backwards clutching the wound on her stomach. 

The crowd cheers around her, making her even more angry than she already was. She stomps over the the bear-like man. He stands up and spins a dagger within his grasp. He smirks with pain in his eyes and limps steadily towards her. She smirks and walks toward him with her posture straight. Her fingers dance across the hilt of the kinfe. 

Robbin steps runs behind the man and stabs him the back of the leg before he even knows she is there. He yelps in pain and clutches the back of his leg. She steps in front of him, pulls his tongue out, and cut it all the way through. She throws the slimy substance into his face. 

The stands go quiet. Robbin glares at the man staring up at her in horror. "Hurts, doesn't it?" Her lip twitches in anger. She bends down and presses the dagger to his bicep. The blade easily breaks the skin. She shoves the blade deeper and deeper until she can feel the muscles tensing around her finger. The warm blood runs down her arm. 

His face contorts in fear, disgust, and pain all at once. She smirks down at him before ripping the blade from his arm. 

She cuts one of his muscular arms off, resulting in a cry of pain and a lot of blood. She reaches down and holds his chin, with her blood soaked hand, so he looks directly into her ice cold eyes. "Think I'm cute now?" She smirks and shoves the sword through his abdomen. He looks up at her in fear. His eyes slowly start to dull. Robbin takes that moment to rip the blade from his stomach. She drops the dying man and looks down at him. Blood drools down from his parted lips. A pool of dark red blood forms around his twitching body. His arm lays ten feet away from him with its own pool of blood. 

His bear skin coat is read with Robbin's and his blood. She looks up at his face. Dried blood covers most of his dark skin. The cut on his cheek still bleeding.

No one makes a sound as Robbin turns swiftly around and makes her way back to the entrance she came from. The door closes behind her and she sighs. She wished it was more fun than that. She puts the equipment back on the hangers. She walks around until someone comes next to her. "Hello, Korg." She says without even looking at the rock like creature.

"I can show you your room." Korg says. Robbin nods and follows Korg to her designated room. She looks around at walls of the halls she is walking through. She sees an easy exit, so she takes it. She sprints through the halls and rooms, shoving people out of her way. She grunts with ever person she runs into. Men and women gasp as the petite woman pushes past them.

She stumbles when she finally escapes the crowd of people. She runs out of the building and into the streets. She looks around as people walk past her. She reaches up and rips the electrocuting object from her skin and throws it to the ground, smashing it to pieces. She pushes her way through the crowds and spots the spacecraft Scrapper 142 had come to her with. She hacks into the controls and guides the ship to the Devil's Anus. She chuckles slightly at the name but rides through it anyway.

She glides through space with a smile on her face. She guides the ship to no where in particular. She hums as she passes next to earth, looking at the blue and green planet with a soft expression. I haven't been there in a while. She thinks to herself. She turns around abruptly when she hears a beeping towards the back of the ship. She walks towards the back of the ship but doesn't make it as the ship explodes in front of her. She falls backwards and hits her back on a chair. She groans but stands back up. The rest of the ship explodes and causes her to fly through the window to the planet below it. She watches the ship explode above her. She looks around at the stars above her. She smiles to herself.

If this is how I die, I'm okay with that. I'm okay with no one knowing I died. She was perfectly happy with dying. Yes, she was only twenty-two, but she had seen enough. No, done enough. More than she'd like to admit. She is happy with ending it. With falling through clouds and ending with no one ever knowing.

She closes her eyes and smiles contently. Her whole body relaxes as she falls. She takes deep breaths, breathing in the oxygen of earth. Her heart slows to a reasonable pace as she falls. It's finally over. Her smile grows until it is a grin. She sighs and leans back. She can feel the air round her start to get hotter and hotter. This is how it ends. Good. She didn't think she could take any more anyway.

Tears of joy slip from her eyes and fly upward. She opens her eyes and looks up at the clouds above her. A giant smile covers her lips. She wraps her arms around her waist as she falls.

Cold wind blocks out all sound and makes her shiver, slightly. Her tear droplets break abover her multiple times. Her brown hair slips form its ponytail and flows upward, blocking her view from anything around her. 

Below her are men, women, and children looking up at her in horror. Most of the women scream while some call for medical help. Some teenagers whip out their cell phones and videotape the whole exchange. All news reporters are recording the whole thing. Children asks their parents why a woman is falling from the sky. None of the parents say anything.

Robbin closes her eyes again as she can now hear the screams of people below her. This is it. Finally.

Darkness envelopes her as she hits the cold and wet surface of the Hudson River. She's gone. Of course. A fall like that kills anyone. Robbin's arms automatically open and drift around her. She floats lifelessly in the water. Her face fades to pale the longer she is unconscious. Her hair drifts round her, getting darker as it soaks up the water around her. Small bubbles float to the surface above her.

A firefighter steps forward and dives into the Hudson after Robbin. He grabs the strangely clothed woman and brings her above the surface. She lays limply in his arms as he caries her bridle style all the way to an ambulance. Her brown hair drips and little droplets of water role off of her skin. The firefighter looks down at the woman briefly before placing her on the stretcher and stepping into the ambulance after her.

The EMPs inside hook her up to multiple tubes and IVs, but, with further inspection, they realize her body won't accept the meds.  They perform CPR multiple times, shocking her, providing mouth to mouth, and chest compression, but nothing works. 

Her body jolts upwards with every electric shock. The EMPs all look at her in horror trying to revive the young woman. 

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