Chapter 27

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Years Later~~~

"...And the monster came and devoured his soul, poisoning him until he couldn't breathe. It sucked his blood from his body then ran back to its home in the middle of the dark woods." A blonde boy tells the story of the Poison in the Dark Forest to his little brother. The brown haired boy cowers in fear as his brother shouts "boo". "That's why you can never go into the woods." The blonde boy smirks proudly.

"James, Mark, are you ready for bed?" A blonde haired woman enters the boys' room with a small smile. She smiles fondly down at the two boys. "James, were you telling Mark stories again?" She asks as Mark runs crashing into his mother's legs.

"Don't pester him, Love. He gets it completely from his father." A black haired man enters the room with a smug look on his face. He kisses his wife's cheek and wraps an arm around her waist. He picks up Mark and hold him on top of his hip.

"He surely does, Loki my dear." The woman turns to look at her husband with a fond look in her eyes. She turns back to look at James. "Give your mother a kiss." She demands with a softness in her voice. James scurries over and wraps his arms around his mother's waist. "Goodnight, my dear." She kisses his head. He rushes over to his bed and hops into the covers. Loki walks over and places Mark on his bed.

"Now, if he every tries that again, just do this." Loki creates a small fire ball and throws it at the wall. He smiles gleefully and looks back at his son. Mark smiles widely up at his father. A look of admiration on both of their faces. "Goodnight." Loki kisses his head and walks out of the room hand in hand with his beautiful wife, Sigyn.

"Goodnight, my dear." Sigyn turns to her husband and places a gentle kiss on his lips before walking to their bedroom. Loki smiles as he watches her leave.

He turns on his heel and walks toward the door. His armor magically appears on him as he steps out and onto the steets of Asgard. He marches with purpose in his steps all the way to the palace. He walks straight toward the throne room. "Brother." Loki states as the doors open in front of him.

Thor hops off of the throne quickly and embraces Loki in a bone crushing hug. "Brother!" Thor shouts. "What brings you here?" Thor holds Loki at arms length.

"There was more talk of the creature in the woods. The soldiers could not find him, but none of them came back either. The have been gone for days, brother." Loki states with guilt in his voice. "We shouldn't have sent them." That second, a soldier comes staggering into the throne room. Loki turns around and sees the torn up soldier. "What happened?" Loki rushes over and helps keep the soldier upright.

The soldiers's eyes are a milky white as her stare up at Loki. His armor is torn and dirty with lines of white disappearing on the blood-stained armor. His breaths are shaky as he grips onto Loki for dear life. His brown hair has white-dyed areas that steam with clouds of white.

"S-s-she h-had w-w-white eyes." The soldier falls unconscious in Loki's arms. Loki's eyebrows crinkle and he hoists the solider up on his soldier. Thor and Loki take him to the imfirmary and lay him on a bed. Women come forward immeidately and tend to the soldiers wounds. Thor and Loki step back and let the women do their thing.


"Tell us again. What did she look like?" Loki's arms sit crossed over his chest.Thor sits in a chair behind a desk with his legs propped up on the mahogony surface. Loki rolls his eyes at his brother's behaviour.

"Uh, she had white eyes that changed with whatever poison she threw at us. Uh, she had knee-length ash-brown hair. She was unbelievably skinny. Almost as if she hadn't eaten in years. Her face looked young with dried tears on her flushed cheeks. She had on a red dress that was ripped. She looked like she could kill anyone without whatever poison courses through her veins." The soldier shivers at the memory of the murderous woman.

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