Chapter 22

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I stop when I arrive at the outskirts of a massive city. Took three days to get here, mind you. I'm so tired and exhausted. My limbs ache with the fatigue of walking three days straight. Yeah, I didn't stop.

I slip the water bottle out from my pocket and take a sip. I place the water bottle back and feel the coolness of the pistol in that same pocket. I run my fingers over the smooth steel. I pull it out and look at it before placing it back in my pocket and making my way through the large city.

I keep walking through the city, pulling my jacket closer to my body. The stone sidewalk feels nice compared to the gravel next to the highway. The smell of this city is worse than when it was on the highway, though.

My hair whips in the wind making me even colder than I was before. My teeth chatter and my legs feel like jelly. But, I keep walking. I push on and fight through the cold. I press my exhausted muscles even further.

I nearly collapse outside of a large building. I rest my back against the wall and take a large breather. I close my eyes and rest my back against the wall. "Excuse me, miss. Are you supposed to be here?" I open my eyes and see nothing. I look around for the voice but find nothing. "I'm only a computer, miss." I close my eyes again and lean my head back. "Contacting Mr. Stark." Oh, well. nothing I can do now. I pull the pistol out from my jacket and make sure the saftey is off. I look up and see a pair of brown eyes starring down at me.

"Are you supposed to be here?" He asks. I lift my pistol slightly and examine it, trying to be slightly menacing in my exhaustion. I don't think he's scared at all. Then again, I probably woudn't be sacred of me either.

"No, I'm just visiting."I reply then shoot the man in the stomach. A loud bang sounds through th air. He doubles over and falls to his knees. He coughs up blood and spits it on the sidewalk in front of him. I stand up off the wall shakily and blink a few times before looking around at the people starring at me. "What're you looking at?" I bark at them. They all scatter away. I kick the man's shoulder and he falls down onto his butt. He looks up at me with pain in his brown eyes. His gotee is covered in specks of blood and his black shirt has blood spreading through a hole. I reach down and cup his face in my hand, feeling the stubble on his chin tickling my hand. "I wish I could feel bad about this, but I don't. Sorry not sorry." I take out my gun and press the barrel to his forehead.

Third Person View~~~

Robbin places the barrel of the pistol on Tony's forehead. The cold metal presses against his skin softly. Tony looks up at the young woman with pity in his eyes. He closses his eyes, waiting for the arrival of the bullet in his brain, but it never comes. Instead, he feels a weight on his shoulder. He looks up and sees the young woman down on her knees and slumped against his shoulder with the gun slowly falling through her fingers and onto the ground. He moves the woman so one arm is under her legs and the other is supporting her back. He carries her into the Avenger's Tower and walks her to a bedroom with no windows. He places her on the bed within it and shuts the door. "Make sure it's locked, Friday." He says to his computer.

"Of course, Mr. Stark." Tony mumbles a thank you before walking back toward his lab. He makes a mental note to interrogate the woman when she wakes.


Robbin wakes with a start and looks around the black room. She can't see a single thing. She sits up and swings her legs to the edge of the bed. She enjoys the softness of the sheets and the fluffiness of the mattress before getting out of the bed and stretching. She yawns and blinks a few times, trying to ajust to the darkness. She then notices a door in the corner and walks toward it. She places her hand on the handle and shakes it but to no avail. She backs up and sprints toward the door. She lowers her shoulder and goes barreling through the door. She rolls her shoulder from the tension the impact caused. She walks around the hall, making sure her barefeet don't make a sound. She finds a pair of shoes laying around and slips them on. They're big, but she'll just have to deal with it.

She slips into the shadows as she hears faint footsteps. She holds her breath and hopes the person passing can't smell her. They walk past and she quickly tiptoes away. She finds a large kitchen and enters it. She raids the refrigerator and looks for a cup. She fills the cup to the brim with tap water. "Ahem." Someone clears their throat behind her. She spins around and faces the person with cheeks full of food. A large blush covers her face as she immediately recognizes the person standing in front of her. Thor.

She swallows her mouthfull and looks up into his blue eyes. He turns on the lights and Robbin is blinded for a few seconds. She opens her eyes again and notices his haircut and the missing eyes. His arms are crossed over his chest tightly. He glares down at her with a cocked eyebrow. She looks away from him and at the darkness that covers the halls. "How'd you lose your eye?" She asks and hears him shuffling a little.

"Sister." He states plainly. She nods even though she doesn't actually understand. She turns back toward him, meeting his cold glare with one of her own.

Thor looks Robbin over while she isn't looking. He notices her brown hair has green highlights and purple tips. The leather jacket around her fits her perfectly. The leather pants are torn and dirty. Then, she turns around, and he notices the dullness in her blue eyes. He notices the cuts and bruises all along her face. He takes note of the redness her cheeks and nose keep- like she has frostbite. He takes note of how the bandages around her torso are starting to rip and are starting to show a little amount of clevage. He immediately looks away and into her eyes.

Her beautiful eyes. The way they glisten when the sun hits them. The way they darken when she is angry. The way they light up when she participates in something she enjoys. How they swirl like whirlpools, dragging you into the depths of them. He is dragged into them, and, frankly, he doesn't mind.

Glass shatters in the hall next to them. They both turn to look at the intruder. 


Hey dudes!! If you want me to contiue this story for another ten to twenty chapters from chapter twenty-nine, I need at least three comments requesting it. (From different people, obviously.)

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