Chapter 6

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"Alfather." The guards bow before a man on a throne. He has white, shoulder-length hair and a golden eye patch. He holds a golden scepter in his hand.

The guards push me onto my knees and I land on my knees with a thud. Ouch. I look up at the throne-man and he glared at me with his eye. He motions for the guards to stand and they rise, pulling me up as well by my elbows.

"And who is this mortal?" His booming voice rings out across the room. I can feel the guards tense next to me. I smirk at their fear. His eye snaps back to me when I smirk.

"Robbin Hessington, Sire." A guard says without any fear but his body language says something completely different.

"What is she here for?" He glares at me, and I glare right on back. His eye moves slowly to the guard expectantly.

"Uh, she crash-landed her ship in the ocean, Sire. Her friends are in the dungeons already." The dungeons?! I struggle against the guards before wrapping the chain around one of their necks and choking them. I kick the other guard, breaking my ankle-chains in the process. The guard I was choking falls limp and I drop him.

"If you'll excuse me, I have business to attend to, 'Your Royal Highness'." I taunt as I break the chain around my wrist. I turn on my heel and what I assume is the throne room.

"Guards! Get her!" I hear him shout. I sprint through the large halls and take turns not knowing where I am going at all. I look behind me briefly, but realize the mistake I made as I slam into a very firm chest. I bounce off and land on my butt. Looking up, I see a blonde, shoulder-length haired man with a red cape and stone hammer standing in front of me. I stand up quickly and look down.

"Where are the dungeons?" I ask with fake timidness. His deep chuckle resonates throughout the hall. I look up briefly before looking back down.

"That way, girl." His large finger points left and I bow in thanks before sprinting in that direction. Fool. I run down a staircase and see two guards standing at attention on the sides of a brown door.

"Can I get in there, please?" They open the doors and let me inside. I walk along the hall looking at each of the strange cells. They are like glass cubicles except the glass is magically reinforced somehow. Criminals are in each cell—sometimes five in a single cell. I keep walking and find Peter in a cell with Yondu and three other men and women.

"Peter." I say and the little boy turns to me with wide eyes. I put my hand up to the glass and he puts his up against mine.

"Robbin." He whispers. "Yondu, look who came!" He shouts. Yondu turns around abruptly and smiles slightly at seeing me.

"You won't get them out." A deep, silky voice hums from behind me. I turn around and see a black, shoulder-length haired man in a cell across the room. These people and their hair!

"And why not?" I question and glare at him. He chuckles and turns away from me. His posture is perfect in every way possible. He has sharp cheek bones and vibrant green eyes.

"It is a magic dampening barrier." He looks at me from the corner of his eye. I turn back to Peter and see him looking at the man with fear.

"I'll get you out, Quill. Don't you worry." I smile and earn a smile in return from the 15 year old. He nods eagerly. I stand up and run over to the side of the cell. I find a control panel and start hacking my way through the system until the whole barrier comes down. I smirk and look up at Peter.

"Let's go." I grab his hand a Yondu comes out as well. We run toward the exit quickly until the doors burst open and guards start filing in. "Oh no." I say under my breath. "Peter, go back into the cell. Yondu and I got this." I shove Peter back in the direction of the cell. "You ready?" Yondu smirks at me as a response.

1 hour later~~

"Ugh." I groan as I lug an unconscious Yondu through the great halls. Bruises and wounds decorate my face and arms. Blood seeps from my thin tank-top.

Peter silently walks beside me as we try to manage our way through the large palace. "I need a break." We stop at a pillar and I lay Yondu against it.

I sit on the ground and close my eyes. "Robbin. There's a big man behind you." Peter states as a large shadow is cast over me. I groan internally before I spin around and kick his legs out from underneath him. He collapses to the floor with a very loud thud and a red cape falls over my head. No....

I pull the cape off of me and pick Yondu up and sprint down the corridor. "Run, Peter! Run!" I shout. I don't stop running until I come face to face with the blonde guy with a red cape. I throw Yondu down and set my hands atop my guns on my waist. I never look down from his blue eyes. He twirls his hammer and smirks.

"I hope you're a challenge." He states before lunging at me. I jump out of the way and kick him away from me. He grunts and stands back up. I grab my daggers from my waist and jump on his back, lodging a dagger into his shoulder. He reaches up and flings me down, onto the marbled floor. I grunt and jump back up before he hits me with his hammer. I fly into a nearby column with a thud and grunt before shakily standing up and sprinting at him. I run behind him and shove a dagger into the back of his knee. He swings around and hits me in the deep wound that adorns my already bloody stomach, sending me across the hall into another pillar. The pillar cracks and I stand back up with a groan, spitting out a handful of blood in the process. He throws his hammer at me and I dodge it and run toward him, kicking his legs out from underneath him. I jump up while grabbing my dagger. I shove it deep into his stomach and then he hits me directly in the abdomen with his hammer, sending me, once again, into a pillar. I hit the pillar with my back and fall to the ground in pain. I clutch at my heavily bleeding stomach and push myself shakily off the ground and look over to see the blonde trying to take the dagger out of his stomach, before he passes out. I limp over to him and yank my dagger out of him. I turn to Peter.

A hand grabs my leg and brings me to the ground. I groan loudly as my head makes contact with the ground. The world around me spins for a little before I blink several black dots from my vision.  I turn around swiftly and see the blonde standing above me. I shove my dagger into his leg and he falls. But he doesn't fall the way I had anticipated.

He falls on top of me. I cough blood into my hand from the impact and groan when he groans, but as I try to get up, he places his hammer on top of me. I cough more blood up, but I try to move and find I can't. Like the hammer weighs too much for me to push off. I look up and see him smirking. Great. He pulls me up and ties my hands behind my back and tries my ankles together. Seriously? "I never got your name, fair maiden." He states as he picks me up by my elbows.

"Robbin!" Peter shouts. I turn around and see him with tears in his brown eyes. He stops dead in his tracks and stares at me.

"It's okay. I'll be back. I'll come back to save you, Kid." I smile at him briefly and watch his face scrunch up as he tries to stop the tears.

"Robbin." The blonde whispers. "Quite a beautiful name." He smirks. I keep looking at Peter and see him head over to Yondu. "Guards! Make sure they do not escape!" My head snaps up to the blonde's face and my face scrunches up in worry.

"Don't do anything to them." I struggle against him, but his grip only tightens. "He's just a kid!" I shout at him. He briefly looks down at me before pulling me along. "Please! I can't bear to know anything bad will happen to them."

"Then I suppose you shall just have to guess." He chuckles and drags me towards what I assume is the throne room.

"Father, I brought the girl as commanded!" He kneels in front of the steps and brings me to my knees as well. Not this guy again. I look up at the eye patch man and groan internally.

Honestly? Same, Robbin. If I were in front of Odin, I would be so ticked.

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