Chapter 4

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"Peter, you gotta hurry!" I shout through the door to Peter who's getting ready.

We have just landed on KnowWhere and are waiting on Peter to get ready and come out. "I'm coming! I'm coming!" He shouts back to me. That boy. I feel like a mother right now.

He comes out of the room in a red leather jacket and guns in holsters on his belt attached to his waist. I look him over one last time before grabbing his wrist and dragging him along.

90 minutes later

"Do we have a deal?" The Collector asks Yondu with a smirk, knowing full well Yondu can't back down from a bargain. I roll my eyes at the childish act before walking up to Yondu.

As his second-in-command, I lowly whisper so only he can hear, "Do you know what you're doing, Yondu? Because I can assure you, he's not gonna give you what you want. I advise you choose your choice of words wisely. 'Cause we both know how reckless you can be." I can see the anger flash in his eyes at my statement. He briefly looks at me with a glare before answering the Collector.

"Now if you'll excuse us, we will be on our way." Yondu practically shouts to the Collector. I watch as the Collector's eyes flicker to me with a burning hatred before returning to Yondu.

"Do we have. A. Deal?" The Collector states more slowly. I look over at Yondu as I suck in a quick breath already knowing where this is going to lead. Don't do it Yondu. Don't you dare.

"No." Why?! "Hessington! Now!" At least I'm trained for this. I think to myself as I take the Collector to the ground. He looks up at me with a smirk and pulls a gun from his waist. I kick his wrist and he cries out in pain and shock as I take out my dagger and hold it to his throat.

"I can start with your thin hair- cut it off piece by piece..." I threaten with my dagger-less hand pulling his white hair. "Then move to the nose. Skin it gently." I whisper to him as I lift the dagger to his nose. "Or I can-"

My head snaps up as I hear someone exit the ship. Peter. No... I shouldn't have looked up. The Collector pushes me off and grabs a grenade from off his waist and throws it in the direction of the ship. I tackle the Collector and throw him over to Yondu before running after Peter who is standing in fear staring at the grenade about to go off. I push Peter as far backward as I can but not before I get hit by the explosion.

I plummet into the side of the ship and fall face first into the ground. I push myself up with shaky arms and rest against the ship for a second.

My ears ring as I look for Yondu and the Collector. I find Yondu but no Collector, so I immediately stand up and run around looking for the Collector. "Where'd he go?!" I shout to Yondu just so I can barely hear my own voice. He points right and I run in the direction of his blue finger.

I run and run until I see the Collector holding up a box. I stop dead in my tracks and look at the box suspiciously. "Do you have the slightest idea of what is in this box?" He asks quietly. My ears stop ringing and I look back and forth between the box and the Collector.

"No....." I mumble. He opens the box and out comes a red string like thing that floats upward until it stops between the Collector and me.

"The æther." We both day in unison. "Yes, such a beautiful thing, isn't it? It holds so much power. So much capability to destroy anything in its path. Including you." He looks down from the æther to look me in the eyes. "Such a waste. You are very beautiful- for a Terran." He mumbles the last part with distastefulness. "Kill them." I turn around abruptly and see a large stone-like creature before he smacks me into a pile of rubble feet away. I stand up and pull out my guns and fire away, but he's already gone.

I sprint in the direction of the crew and see no one but Yondu who's on the ground clutching his stomach. "Yondu!" I shout and run over to him. "What hurts?" I question. He groans as he moves his arm to show a piece of shrapnel lodged deeply into his stomach. Blood oozes out slowly but not slow enough. I grab ahold of the shrapnel and look up at Yondu's face. "This is gonna hurt." I rip out the shrapnel and Yondu lets out a loud cry. "We have to go. Now!" I pick Yondu up and pull him over my shoulder. I walk over to the ship and walk up the ramp into it.

I walk to the control center and throw Yondu down onto a seat before putting a destination into the autopilot. "Do you know where anyone else went, Yondu?" I turn to see Yondu unconscious. Great. I set the ship into motion and head to get the first aid kit.

"Peter......" I say out loud as the little boy just comes to mind. "Peter!" I shout as I sprint toward my quarters. "Quill, you better be here." I whisper to myself and throw open the door. Empty. "Where could he be?" I run around the ship looking for any sign of Peter.

*Sniffle* Peter. Thank God. I turn a quick corner and find Peter curled in a ball against the wall, crying. "Peter." I whisper. He immediately looks up at me before wrapping his arms tightly around me. "Woah there, Kid." I chuckle. I feel my shoulder slowly become damp. I rub his back reassuringly. "What's the matter, Peter?" I mumble.

"I th-th-thought y-you w-were g-g-gone." He cries into my hair. I hug him tightly to me and close my eyes.

"It's okay. I'm here. I'm alright. But Yondu isn't so I have to go help him. Alright?" I hold him at arms length and look into his brown eyes.

"He doesn't deserve it." He mumbles and looks down at the ground. I chuckle and shake his shoulders gently.

"I know he doesn't." I whisper. "But I have to help him. He's keeping me safe for a while." I stand up and grab the first-aid kit before heading back to Yondu.

Unconscious, are we? I sigh and set the first aid kit down beside him. I crouch down and pull up his shirt. I grab gauze and dab at his wound. I then take out some wrap and cover his stomach in wraps. "That should be good." I pull down his shirt and head over to the control panel. I look out at the beautiful stars.

I stumble as I feel the ship start to shut down. No. Not now! The lights go out and the ship starts heading straight downward.


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