Chapter 8: Blood

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Kiseop’s POV

“Oppa, you’re too close,” I saw her blush as she nervously looked at me. My face was inches away from hers and I knew to myself that I was blushing as well. Why wouldn’t I? I was practically leaning my head against the crook of her neck, and I stared at her despite of the awkwardness.

“Oppa...?” her voice was so tiny when she spoke. She slowly turned her head to the window to avoid my gaze.

“I-I’m sorry about that, Shin Min,” I stammered as I moved away as far as possible.

My heart was crazy in my chest. What was wrong with me?!

I heard a faint chuckle and I turned to look at the driver. He eyed me silently and smirked. It was like I received a message from him via telepathy. He gave me a look as if he were saying ‘thank me later’. WHAT!? This is crazy! I must be crazy!! Why am I thinking about this stuff?!

Several minutes later, I was glad that we arrived at KorU. I volunteered to pay and Shin Min agreed; though the driver was still smirking like a weirdo.

“Good luck son! Don’t forget everything I said, okay?” he yelled but we ignored him and fastened up our pace to the school gates.

“Finally, we’re here,” I whispered to myself as I glanced at Shin Min.

“Uhm, oppa, I’m going to my classroom, I’m wondering what they’re doing right now,” she said.

I nodded and smiled at her. She was a teenager; she needed time to be with people her age. I saw her smile with her eyes as she mentally thanked me and ran off to the opposite direction.

I put my hands in my pockets and I was about to walk to my classroom when I remembered a thought, “Yah~ be sure to hang out with us later, ‘kay? Bring Dongho!” I yelled for her to hear. She looked back as she ran and nodded.

I just did that to be sure I would see her again later. I smiled.

After that, I passed the courtyard and there were stalls everywhere. They stood up booths, food stores and a lot more. There were gift shops of stuff and there was a KTV room too. I laughed. Pigeon Eli would never come there if we suggested. He hated KTV.

“Hey Kiseoppie~” I heard a familiar voice and I turned. I saw Alexander-hyung grinning at me.

“Oh, hey Hyung,” I smiled weakly at him.

“Why are you late? Was your girlfriend keeping you company?” he teased while he poked my cheek.

“Aww, Hyung. Shin Min is not my girlfriend. She’s just a friend,” I protested.

“Yeah, but that person is a girl, ne?” he grinned. He was making fun of me. No doubt about that. Typical Xander~hyung.


“Then she is your girlfriend!” he laughed, contented that he was annoying me. Yeah, Alexander~hyung was pretty annoying for his age considering the fact that he was almost three years older than all of us. Despite his annoying antics, he was the wisest one among us too, and we respect him for that.

I sighed of defeat as I watched Alexander skip away to annoy another person. It was his hobby.

I continued to find my way to my classroom and as soon as I found it, our professor scolded me for coming late and made me help build the unfinished stalls. TT_TT

Shin Min’s POV

As I reached my classroom, I sat down on my chair and buried my head on my arms. I lied to Kiseop~oppa just now. I wasn’t really curious what my classmates were doing... I just didn’t want him to see me blushing after everything that happened at the taxi. It was so embarrassing! Especially when the driver was stubbornly forcing us to sit closer to each other! He even thought that we were lovers...>_< Oh my God! What am I thinking?! This crush...this crush is turning out to be something much more...and I can’t do anything about it...

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