Chapter 17: Let's make it official. :)

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Chapter 17: Let’s make it official. :)

[A/N: It’s still the day of the date, but I didn’t use it as the title for this chapter. I mean who uses a crappy title like ‘DAY OF THE DATE PART 3’? (who else, ofcourse only kalleninlove) xD]

“Great thing that it’s over,” Kiseop sighed, throwing himself on the bench. Shin Min sat far away to the other edge of the bench. “You didn’t tell me you were afraid of heights too, Shin Min~ah,” Kiseop grinned, a little amused that finally, he found a girl who was also afraid of heights. Well, a girl he dated, that is.

Shin Min frowned and shyly looked away. Kiseop noticed this and he slid himself closer to where Shin Min was, and he quietly stretched and slung his arm over the border of the bench behind Shin Min.

Shin Min suspiciously turned and eyed Kiseop’s arm snaking its way around her shoulder. Kiseop laughed it off and withdrew his arm, pretending to be stretching.

“Do you want something to drink? I’m thirsty...” he stalled and sat up properly.

“Sure,” Shin Min nodded, a little relieved that Kiseop wasn’t doing anything funny.

Kiseop grinned and stood up. He put his hands in his pockets and headed towards the nearest booth. “Wait here, Shin Min-ah,” he smiled at her.

Shin Min had an expression somewhere between flustered and surprised. Her eyes were wide-open and her lips were perfectly drawn in a straight line. Her cheeks flushed red and she heard her heart throbbing in her ears. Why does he make her feel this way?!

She nervously placed her palm against her chest to check if the red organ inside of her was throbbing.

It was.


Meanwhile, back to Eun Hee & Kevin...

“Yay! You’re the greatest, Sunghyun~oppa!” EunHee exclaimed, hugging Kevin’s arm tightly against her chest. She was jumpy and she affected Kevin whenever she would feel excitement. Kevin sighed several times but said nothing.

Aish, just call me Kevin...he thought to himself.

He had finally agreed to take her to the amusement park, the exact same place where SeopMin were at the moment. It was due to EunHee’s constant nagging and ear-deafening pleas of ‘forcing’ him to take her there. She said she wanted a date, though Kevin just considered this as a ‘hangout’ with her.

“Let’s go ride the roller coaster, Sunghyun-oppa!! I wanna ride one with you!!” EunHee pointed at the large circular rail tracks of the ride high above their heads, getting jumpy again. Whenever she jumped, he shook.

“Only if you pay,” Kevin replied, a little irritated.

“MWOH!?! Why am I supposed to pay when you’re the guy? You took me here therefore Sunghyun-oppa must pay,” she protested, putting a goody-two-shoes look on.

Kevin facepalmed, sighing once more.

I didn’t take you forced me here...aish...

“Since you were the one who suggested we come here, then you should treat me to ride tickets, EunHee~yah,” he sarcastically replied in a challenging tone.

“Aigoo...but Sunghyun-oppa, that’s not very manly...” EunHee started, placing a finger under her lower lip.

The second he heard that he looked at EunHee with disbelief.

Him? Kevin Woo?


EunHee smirked when she saw his expression. “I thought manly guys always paid for dates like these...Soohyun-ssi is very manly enough to do that,” she continued, slightly turning to hide the sly look she had on her face. “He’s very romantic as well; I think I should ask him to‘hangout’ with me sometime,”

STOLEN KISSTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon