Chapter 11: Thinking

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Chapter 11: Thinking

Why?! Why did it have to be him anyway?! Moving to this place was the worst decision I ever made! Shin Min thought as she mentally slapped herself, suppressing the tears which were almost falling off her eyes.

She hurriedly walked through the stalls, the classrooms, passing by the jolly mood of the school festival. She had come to these kinds of school fairs before, but this was the first time it had placed a mark on her memory.

This was the day a guy claimed to be her boyfriend, which happened to have never occurred in her whole sixteen years of existence. There was a giddy feeling inside of her, yet her heart felt like it was breaking. She could have just acted along with the guy, but why is she currently like this? She was so confused.

She was happy that Kiseop claimed to be her boyfriend, but at the same time, there was a feeling of betrayal, and she didn’t know why she was making a big fuss out of this all. What was it?

She stepped in an alley, just behind the square where the festival stalls were put up; no one would see her there. Everyone else was busy with the games and the programs. If ever someone would even see her there, they’ll probably just ignore her. She was a new girl after all; no one would care. Nobody cared.

She slid down against the wall and buried her face in her arms. She hugged her knees and cried. So many questions were in her mind, and the answers were found nowhere. Sixteen years is too young for a person to understand life. It’s too young an age to even live alone. Imagine the few nights where no one would take care of you when you are sick, the few instances when nobody attends your recognition or graduation day. You would leave an empty house in the morning when you’d go to school and return in the evening afterwards to find it still empty. Friendships were rare and love was a word never in her vocabulary. She didn’t even know what the word ‘Family’ meant.

She had been alone. All these years.

Suddenly a good-looking guy appears in her life and unexpectedly shows concern for her. He suddenly looks at her at a way no one ever did. He wasted his time spending it with her, even if he could have spent it for his own personal use. Then he claims that she was her boyfriend. This was what she feared the most—he had gone too far. She was indeed, falling for him.

Every time she moved to live in a new place, she would avoid friendships with neighbours or classmates, ignore their sincere offerings of affection and care. She tried to cover up all the sadness she had with her smile. Her fake smile. She would suppress the feelings of familiarity, let alone intimacy. She didn’t want to get too close to anyone, because she knew that a time will come that she would just walk away and leave them. And it was painful, too painful.

“Oh, looky here~ there’s a girl,”

Taken aback by the voice, Shin Min looked up to see who it was. An eerie feeling crept down her spine when she saw a group of guys surrounding her. She was surprised when a guy crashed down beside her, almost lifeless. Her eyes widened and she covered her mouth. The guy was wearing shabby clothes covered in dirt and blood.

Oh my God.

She chose not to speak and she swallowed hard, waiting for the guys to talk first.

“What are you doing here in our base?” the guy with spiky hair started, crossing his arms against his chest.

“B-base?” she stuttered, her voice too low for anyone to hear. She nervously eyed them, trying not to look pathetic.

A guy stooped down and looked at her closely. He had scruffy, messy brown hair.

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