your hired

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Jungkook's pov.
I woke up by the loud sound of my alarm clock. I get up and turn off the alarm. I get my phone at the nightstand and find the number of  that company. I finally soon found it, it's xxxxxxxxxxx

I dialed it on my phone until it starts ringing.




"Uh... anneonghasaeyo! I am park jimin worker at Kim company. Are you  an applicant for the new secretary of Mr. Kim?"

"Well yeah...when should I go there for interview?"

"Now! Yeah now!"

"What do I need to bring? "

"Your live birth and college graduate certificate. Thats all!"

" umm okay thank you!!! Ill go there in a minutes!"

Btw, what's your name?"

"Jeon jungkook!"

"Okay jungkook get prepare now and get your ass here!!"

Okay!!!  Thank you!!"

With that I end the call and run towards the bathroom and take a quick shower. After I took a shower I walk towards my wardrobe and look for my outfit today!

Oh gosh, what should I wear!?

I really don't  know what would I wear so I call jin hyung to help me pick one of my clothes to wear now.

"Jin hyunggg!!!!" I yelled his name that our neighbors can hear...hehe joke!

" yeah!?... coming!!!" He yelled back

I saw him running towards me

"Whats your pain kookie!?" He ask while he's still catching his breath.

"The worker at Kim's company told me to go there today for my first interview but I don't know what would I wear!?" I said and panic.

"Just wear your normal outfit kookie! It looks good  on you anyway!" He said and walk out of my room.

Okay, so I decide to wear ripped jeans and black n' white t shirt and styled my hair. I put a small amount of make up on my face. After preparing my self I grab my phone, wallet and the brown envelope where my live birth and college graduate certificate are.

I walk downstairs and saw jin and joon hyung talking.

I grab my puma shoes on our shoe rock and wear it on my feet.

"Hey jungkook-ah take a breakfast first! " jin hyung said while watching my moves.

"Anniyo, hyung I'll just eat later bye!!!" I said and walk out of our house.

Taehyung's pov.
I arrive at my company to see my workers work hard for our team. They greet me with a good 'good morning Mr. Kim'

Mean while, I arrive at my office and sat down at my chair. I saw some document on my table, I read what was written in there.

While I am working some of those paper I notice that the door of my office swung open. I saw it was jimin and I saw a happiness on his face.  

"Good morning Mr. Kim your new secretary was about to arrive" he said excitedly

"Oh?  Why you look excited and happy tho?"
I ask sarcastically.

"I am just happy for you having a new secretary....and I hope that this boy will work to you in hundreds year!" He said and we both laugh at his statement.

"Hope so chim" I said and he already left at my office and I continue working.

Jungkook's pov.
After a minute or 10 I arrive at Kim company. I enter and someone entertain me.

"Hi I am jeon jungkook the applicant for Mr.Kim new secretary" I said as I introduce myself.

"Oh yes there you go.... so iam jimin, park jimin I am the one of close friend and worker of Mr. Kim soooo.....let's go?" He said as I nod and lead me towards Mr. Kim's office.

After a while we finally arrive infront of Mr. Kim's office. Mr.park knock and swung it open. I saw a man I mean I saw Kim taehyung is working.

Omooo!!! He is really handsome! He is more good looking in personal!!! Shit!!!!😱😱

" ummm....Mr. jeon kindly introduce yourself to Mr. Kim" Mr. Park said.

He look up at me and I blush slightly.

"Ummm...hi I am jeon jungkook I am 20 years old Iam graduated student from Seoul big hit university... and I am valedictorian from elementary to high school..... I am good at all subject specially in math.... and I also know 5 different languages it is Korean, English, Chinese, Japanese and French." I said and saw his mouth hung open.

"So whats your decision Mr. Kim?"Mr. Park ask Mr. Kim who is still shocked.

"Uggghhmm.....okay your hired! You can start tomorrow and please don't wear like that here... and you can get my schedules in Mr. Park or Mr. Min....and I have a business trip at America on next week and you need to come with me Alright?  Understand?" He said and I hung my mouth wide too.

"Umm....okay!  Thank you sir, I'll work hard for it!!! Kamsa!!!" I said and bowed my head.

We walked out of his office and finally I can breath.

"You did a great job kook!" Mr. Park said.

"Thanks for your help Mr. Park!!" I said and hug him.

"Just call me jimin okay?" Mr. Pa- I mean jimin said and bid a quick bye before he walk away.

Taehyung's pov.
Oh my god. Why my heart is beating so fast we just meet minutes ago and.... ughh....

"Stop beating you asshole heart!" I mutter to myself as I punch my chest.

I didn't notice that it's already 12pm I decide to go out of my office and walk towards jimin and yoongi's office and I knock their door.

"Yeah- oh tae? Wanna hang out with us?" Yoongi ask me.

"Hell yeah sure why not....let's just go at hoseok's hyung cafe shop" I said and walk away.

I walk outside and get inside of my Lamborghini car and drove it.

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