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Author's note

Hi lovelies!! Hope you're all good! I just wanted to give a little insight on what this booksl is all about.

* It is kinda cliché, but I guess you'll love it more than my other books.. You know, The billionaire twins and all that.. If you haven't seen them, go check them out.
*it's setting is in Nigeria, a country here in Africa, my country
*any word you don't understand can be asked in the comment box
*i honestly have no idea where this book is going.

**if you haven't seen my other books, go check them out, vote and comment please so I can know what and what not to do in this new book.
*all characters belong to me! I might add some images too, but they all belong to me!
My special note: if you know of any writers' bloc I can join please let me know! I need some improvements on my books! Please!! Thanks in anticipation.

Please don't forget to vote and comment here.. Please no ghost reading, abeg(i beg/please/I'm begging)

I love you all!!!!

Leggooo Get ready, this chapter is a very long one!!

"Keisha! Your taxi is here!" my mum shouted at me, making my rush in the rest of my food.

"I'm coming!" I shouted back with a mouth full of Coco Pops, which was my breakfast to school this morning, and well.. Every other morning too since it was my favorite cereal. I quickly packed the plates to the kitchen and dropped them on the kitchen counter before kissing my mother good bye and rushing into taxi which was to take me to my primary school that was like two streets away.

Oh you expected a far away school?? Nahhh!!!

I greeted the driver who In no time drove off, so he could quickly drop me in school before going for his daily business. In less than 10 minutes I was already in front of my school gate.

"thank you" I said and rushed out of the car. It's not like I'm late or anything, i just really love going to school early, well not exactly love, but I have no choice but to leave early, mummy won't even let me sleep more than 6:00am.

"Keykey!" I heard a voice call just as I was about to climb the stairs to my classroom block, I looked back just in time to see Annabel, a class mate of mine get in view. Did I mention she was the only one who capped me Keykey instead of the regular KayKay that everyone called me

"Anny, how are you!" I greeted and we both proceeded to climb the stairs to the classroom.

"I'm fine, happy new year Keykey" she said shining her bright white teeth.

I've always been jealous of Annabel, she was like the prettiest girl in my set, light skinned and tall, at least a bit taller than a 7 year old. She had an elder sister Diana, who was equally beautiful in Basic 5 while we were in Basic 3.

"Happy New Year to you too!"I replied.

"Tell me! How did you spend your holiday?" she asked again more excitedly. I inwardly rolled my eyes. Like you care how I spent my holiday I said to myself, before smiling at her.

"Well I went to my grandma's place at Abule Egba" I told her and she snickered. I decided to end this and be given a chance to go into the class so I could get settled before the day starts.

"How did you spend yours?" I asked and she clapped her hands dramatically before speaking.

"Well Diana and I went with our parents to Ghana" she said proudly. Okay, well maybe I haven't gone outside Nigeria, wait what? I haven't gone out of Lagos. But that doesn't mean anything!!

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