7 First Official Party

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"You're welcome to this prestigious school" Mr Sam, my new school's principal said and I smiled. My parents and I stared at the principal as he made his boring speech, telling us how good, this school is.

"Thank you once again Mr and Mrs Williams. I'll have a teacher take her to her class now, and you can go with her if you want to" he said and we stood up.

"We'll go with her" My mum said and I huffed silently. She can even decide to choose a seat for me.

A teacher took me to my class, and I ended up in jss3 Beta, unlike my last school where they had up to 4 classes for each grade, but here, they had just two.

I ended up being In the same class with Beatrice, Tinu, Temi and Rita, while Nicole and Nessa were in Jss3 Zeta. I wasn't the only new girl in my class, but I was the only new girl with no uniform, the other girl already had her uniform and shoes.

I wore a wine skirt, wine jacket and a brown top with a black flat shoes. Well, my skirt was a teeny weeny bit tight, but I didn't care.

My first day in school was just there, nothing exciting, but I spent the day with a new girl I met, Lizabeth, she looked so much like me and even had the same birthday date with me, same preferences too. She loved reading, and also singing. We were like twins.

On my second day of school, I got my first cane (beating) in this school.

My Interscience teacher came in asking for notes and assignments, and he flogged everyone round, including us new students, for not asking what they did last term. What the actual fuck!!??

We took the five strokes of cane for "Not Asking what they did last term" and well I cried. Poor me

"Hey, sorry about that teacher, he can be an asshole sometimes" a thick baritone voice voice said. Who dares disturb my crying moment!

I looked up to see a tall, fair, pink lipped boy. I've seen his face somewhere!!

Why can't I remember?

Urghh someone help before this gets awkward!!!

"Thanks" I said simply and brought out my face towel to clean my face. I looked at the other new student, her face were as red as tomato. Perks of being fair

She looked so horrible. I mentally thanked God for making me dark skinned.

"So, do you remember me?" the thick baritone voice from before asked again, I had totally forgotten he was still here. Wait, did he say remember me? For the first time that day, I looked at him closely .................................. More closely....................... More closely...........

Then it clicked!

"You!" I exclaimed. Dummy, is that what you're supposed to say? "Sorry, Hi" really??!!

.............................. .................................
Author : You guys chill na!
Keisha: Let me tell them na
Author: Lemme na
Keisha: shut up Jooh, they are all curious about who the fine, baritone voiced Nigga is na.. Please na
Author: Keep whining and you won't get a chance to let them know.
Keisha: Urghh, fine. Do it your way, I'm leaving. (slams door)
Author: break my door oh!

....................... ...........................

"I see you remember me now" he said with a cocky grin.

"Yeah, I do" I answered and hid my face. I just couldn't look at him, it reminds me of how much he affected me that day in the school's hall.

Yeah this same school! You're probably wondering how I've had such a contact with this boy considering the short period of time I've spent in this school.

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